n0tail argues that Dota 2 is easier than Doublelift’s League of Legends

N0tail vs Doublelift, Dota 2 vs LMHT
N0tail vs Doublelift, Dota 2 vs League of Legends

Johan “N0tail” Sundstein, the two-time The International champion, denied Yilliang “Doublelift” Peng’s assertion that Dota 2 is easier than League of Legends. He said he also “crushed” opponents in his “first and last” League games.

The Dota 2 and League of Legends communities have been hostile towards each other for nearly a decade. Some players of both games thought their games were superior to the competition, and constantly lashed out at each other.

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The controversy between these two games continued to spark on December 23, when Team Liquid’s AD carry star Doublelift asserted that Dota 2 was easier than League of Legends. Doublelift said Dota 2 has no way to surpass League of Legends in terms of skill.


“[Dota 2] has time to rotate the hero (can’t rotate immediately), built-in lag (temporarily understood as the intentional delay of the game), not many skills of orientation, surfing or other maneuvering skills. You have more buttons than you actually do, but they’re all point-and-click (move on an enemy and cast spells, no need to aim) so you don’t have to show high skill. It’s all about game knowledge – meanwhile, League of Legends is very heavy on skill.”

Doublelift also admitted that he played the game a bit to support his comments. He said eight years of gaming allowed him to “crush every pub game” thanks to his game knowledge.


However, N0tail replied, saying that League of Legends is boring and not interactive. “If the average pro game has 4-5 kills in 30 minutes, what are the important goals?” he asked.

“So what’s the difference between a super long laning phase that only focuses on last hits and harassing enemies?”

N0tail has its own point, when it comes to the obvious difference between LoL and Dota 2 at the beginning of the game. League of Legends in the laning phase is very passive, focusing only on not dying and farming until it gets the necessary items, while with Dota the drama has played out from the beginning.

The two-time The International champion also said he finds League easier to play. N0tail said “I’ve played League myself, and I also “sell” to the opposing team.”

Thought it was going to be a jubilant quarrel, but actually:

N0tail has offered to mediate. He decided to invite several players from all sides to sit down, chat about his games, and possibly end the controversy.

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“Ceb and I met with two successful and well-known League of Legends players and discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each. Then we had an in-depth discussion about the differences in each game,” he said.

Doublelift has had several achievements in League of Legends, including being in the MSI finals and 7 LCS titles. You might be a good candidate to join this conversation.

Players like Luka “Perkz” Perkovic and Rasmus “Caps” Winther could also make perfect candidates, with the title of MSI 2019 champion and 2019 World Championship runner-up. They are also two rich League of Legends players. best in the West.

It doesn’t matter which game requires more skill, N0tail sums it up: “as long as you love the game you play, that’s fine.”

Will the controversy ever come to an end?

This debate is unlikely to end the war between Dota and League of Legends, but it can bring the two communities together. Or what it will do is make the conflict more explosive, and that might be what some players from the two games want.

Source link: n0tail argues that Dota 2 is easier than Doublelift’s League of Legends
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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