Mysterious Easter Eggs in Hearthstone

Mysterious Easter Eggs in Hearthstone

In Hearthstone, from the game table to the flavor text (which describes the cards), the characters’ eyes are all referenced from pop culture. Under those mysteries, you can see hints of Star Wars, Spongebob, Harry Potter, and more. For us gamers, the thing that stands out the most is, of course, about the game. Read on below to find out the Easter Eggs we discovered in Hearthstone.

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 1 - Emergenceingame

This card alludes to Vavle’s Portal series of games in several ways. Of course you will see two orange and blue ports (in Portal), but if you look closely at the emblem on the sleeve of the kernel, you will see that it looks a lot like the Aperature logo. By the way, check out the necklace with the cube face as well. (Cubes are blocks in Portal)

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 2 - Emergenceingame

When the Cobalt Guardian is destroyed, you will hear it say “Error 37“,. This is the famous error 37 in Diablo III when the new game was released. The message content of this error is “servers are busy at this time” and the forum is full of spam if anyone encounters this error in Diablo III.

While this card is unplayable (this is a boss in League of Explorers), you may have heard this card say “Someday, I’d love to be in Heroes of the Storm” (I also want to be in Heroes of the Storm someday) when this card attacks you in adventure.

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 3 - Emergenceingame

When the Means Streets of Gadgetzan expansion came out, the board was borrowed from Blizzard’s own Overwatch game. If you look at the lower right corner of the first table, the Jade Lotus house refers to the Shimada brothers Genji and Hanzo. If you press on the katana sword pinned on the wall, you will see a green dragon appear, alluding to Genji’s ultimate, Dragonblade. On the other side of the house, you’ll find the brothers’ ranged weapons: arrows (Hanzo’s) and darts (Genji’s). And in the lower left corner, if you’re lucky, you can even catch a Pachimari.

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 4 - Emergenceingame

Overwatch continues! Tracer fans will quickly recognize the familiar line when the character is called out, “Don’t worry loves, the cavalry’s here!

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 5 - Emergenceingame

Alluding to a very different game title, the flavor text in this card refers to the Dark Souls series of games. “Don’t give up, skeleton!” (don’t give up, skeleton). This line refers to the lines that players leave to each other in Dark Souls

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 6 - Emergenceingame

You know what Hearthstone is missing? Starcraft! And this card refers to the Infested Terrain in the game Starcraft.

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 7 - Emergenceingame

You may not have thought of it, but this card actually refers to that Super Mario Bros. In the flavor text it says: The most powerful mushrooms are commonly found in boxes marked with “?” (The strongest mushrooms are usually found in boxes marked with “?”)

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 8 - Emergenceingame

Some players may be too young to know what game this card refers to, but those who have played NES (electronic tape) can remember. Flavor text: the mastiff giggles if you don’t hit any ducks, a reference to the classic duck hunting game “Duck Hunt” (the dog will laugh scornfully if you don’t shoot them any ducks)

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 9 - Emergenceingame

Blizzard writes its own flavor text: This spell card will be very Entertaining (Blizzard Entertaining)

The following cards allude to famous brands through the flavor text or voice in the card:

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 10 - Emergenceingame

Flavor text: “LUMOS!” is not what they yell. What do you think this is, Hogwarts?

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 11 - Emergenceingame

Flavor text: If you miss, it leaves a lightning-bolt-shaped scar on your target.

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 12 - Emergenceingame

Flavor text: “Impossible!” exclaim the Silver Hand Recruit, his eyes filled with fear. Uther shook his head, turning the crystal until it caught the light: “Life finds a way.” (‘Life finds a way’ is a line from the movie Jurrasic Park

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 13 - Emergenceingame

Flavor Text: Clever girl (in Jurrasic Park 1993)

Những Easter Egg bí ẩn trong Hearthstone 14 - Emergenceingame

The Skeleton Knight’s summoning and attacking voices are both from Game of Thrones

These are just a few of the things we found! There are dozens of other mysterious Easter Eggs, can you discover them all?

Source: hearthpwn

Source link: Mysterious Easter Eggs in Hearthstone

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