LoL 10.24 Update Details

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The 2021 Pre-Season has started since the 10.23 update of League of Legends, which means a bunch of gameplay changes – Mythic items, item updates, item shop overhaul, and balance changes for some champions – are all being rolled out now. game server. The update cycle continues and its sequel has arrived on the PBE. In this article, we will learn together the details of the LoL 10.24 update.

League of Legends update 10.23 is live on the servers. Like other updates, LoL 10.23 update includes many changes to generals, clans and updates to equipment and items as usual. Meanwhile, information about the LoL 10.24 update has been revealed and below is all the expected content available about this update at the moment.

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Update League of Legends 10.24

LoL 10.24 Update Details

1. LoL 10.24 update release time
As far as we know about the 2020 League of Legends update schedule, League of Legends patch 10.24 is scheduled to launch on Tuesday, November 24, 2020. The maintenance period is still unconfirmed, but usually will start at 03:00 PT for NA servers, 05:00 GMT for EUW servers and 03:00 CET for EUNE servers, lasting 3 hours.

2. New champion skin in League of Legends update 10.24
The balance changes in the LoL 10.24 update are not currently available on the PBE server, but don’t forget to check back because it’s likely that the information will appear in the coming days and will update soon. Here is a list of new champion skins in League of Legends 10.24

“A regal and ancient being, whose vortex energy spawned entire galaxies. She began to abandon her creations, fearing the return of the ancient enemies her fellows had taken. long forgotten…”.
– COSMIC ANIVIA skin introduction video: Here

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“An entity that carries the raw power of cosmic creation in her hands, Illaoi is able to slam the orb she holds in her hand directly at the target itself, allowing time to flow even in places where the life has been erased”.
– Video introducing COSMIC ILLAOI: Here

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“The giver of life, Nami is tasked with sowing the seeds of ‘Élan vita’ on the planets and nascent cold, lifeless rocks, which appear with the birth of stars and new constellation”.
– COSMIC NAMI introduction video: Here

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“As a fierce warrior, she is tasked with finding new stars and protecting them from the ever-hungry Dark Star. Traveling from galaxy to galaxy in an endless hunt, she She always changes her shape like the stars wandering in the sky.
– COSMIC NIDALEE introduction video: Here

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“A knight in the Queen’s palace, he galloped across the sky, tirelessly expanding the frontiers of creation, bringing new life to wherever his hooves touched.” .
– COSMIC HECARIM introduction video: Here

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“Passionate, arrogant, and aloof from his brothers in the universe, Vladimir drinks the best from the dead worlds to give life to the dying. However, after the storm, his hunger has started to increase…”.
– Video introducing COSMIC VLADIMIR: Here

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“An ancient creature of primordial wisdom from before the first galaxies were formed, Skarner is composed of the elements that are the basis of all universes. His species is the brilliant antithesis of the universe. ancient, twisted things lurking in the deep darkness of space and beyond.”
– COSMIC SKARNER introduction video: Here

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“Once a cosmic entity tasked with identifying future threats to the universe, her thirst for ever greater knowledge draws her into the fray. Fighting with the Dark Star, which swallowed her up. Turning into a predictor of misfortune or impending disaster, she saw a universe that really lays in the ashes of this universe and she It became the very ending she feared.”
– Video introducing DARK COSMIC LISSANDRA: Here

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3. Kha’Zix . visual effects update
Oliver ‘Beardilocks’ McDonald, the lead artist responsible for the visual effects for the League of Legends skins, posted some information about this update on Reddit saying he will be releasing a VFX update for Kha’ Zix in the LoL 10.24 update, with the aim of modernizing the feel while improving the champion’s overall gameplay. Those changes will be available on the PBE soon. of Legends-10-24-61323n.aspx
The above is the content in the expected note of the LoL 10.24 update at the present time. Please return to for more updates on what is happening on the PBE server during the next 2 weeks.

=> Link download League of Legends 10.23
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Author: Nguyen Hai Son
(4.03 evaluate)
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LoL 10.24 Update Details

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