Locations with many gears and weapons in PUBG

Locations with many gears and weapons in PUBG

Choosing where to land parachute in PUBG also determines your chances of life and death. You can land in locations with lots of weapons and gear but your surroundings will be very dangerous or choose to land in remote places to increase your survivability but weapons and gear will be very low.

Below is an article that analyzes multiple gear and weapon locations. Remember that the element of luck in the game is very important, you can have good gear and weapons but that doesn’t mean that gear and sida weapons can’t kill you. The best position is to check the house or surroundings while running.

1. Georgopol – north, south, Container and hospital

Georgopol - Emergenceingame

Georgopol is a large city located in the north-west and is divided by a river. North of Georgopol there are many buildings that are convenient for looting and if in danger, there are many places to cover. South of Georgopol is the hospital the number of weapons and gear you can earn is not really much. What makes this location attractive is that there are a lot of cars around the hospital.

Besides the 2 ideal loot areas, there is also a container area that provides an abundant amount of gear and weapons. But when you parachute down here you must always prepare yourself because everyone has the same opinion as you. Due to these vantage points, the Georgopol area is always the best landing area when it comes to vehicles, gear and weapons.

Danger level: medium

Loot amount: many

Accessibility: Easy

2. Military Area

Military - Emergenceingame

Perhaps this is a familiar location for many gamers when the military area provides them with a lot of weapons, gear and things necessary for them to survive. When defeating gamers, you can choose the area of ​​iron pillars or aim directly at the 3 buildings in the middle of the base. The roof has everything you need to sweep the area. Note do not compress for too long because other players can kill you, and this is quite a distance from the center of the map.

Danger level: Very high

Loot amount: A lot

Accessibility: Very difficult

3. Rozhok, schools and apartments

Rozhok - Emergenceingame

This is the central location of the map, where the hotspots always occur. School is an area with a high mortality rate and a popular landing spot for those who are confident in their abilities. Near Rozhok are apartments, cars but extremely time consuming to loot. The advantage of this area is that it is near the center of the map, which means you don’t have to be afraid of the electric ring so it’s best to spend that time looking around as this is an area with a lot of players other.

Danger: Medium-High (for schools)

Loot amount: many

Accessibility: very easy

4. Cellar

Tunnel - Emergenceingame

The vault is an ideal place to loot for solo players, so it’s become extremely popular. In the basement you can find a lot of weapons and gear. But it is also an extremely disadvantageous place, as it is cramped, there is no place to cover and you can even be ambushed on the way out of the tunnel.

Danger level: Very high

Loot amount: many

Accessibility: easy

5. Novorepnoye

Novorepnoye - Emergenceingame

This is an area located on the eastern edge of the southern island, with a large number of containers. This is an area for players who are experienced and confident in their skills. Containers are both beneficial and harmful to the player, as it can both be a cover as well as a blind spot for other players to hide. So it’s best to land on containers and check carefully before looting.

Danger level: high

Loot amount: many

Accessibility: pretty hard (unless you want to take the train)

6. Warehouses

Prison - Emergenceingame

Another extremely dangerous place surrounded by a valley. This is an area with 5 warehouses, two houses and a large military house, here can provide you with the necessary things for your block. The most important thing is to look around because there will be a lot of competition here.

Danger level: High

Loot amount: many

Accessibility: easy

7. Villa

Villa - Emergenceingame

This is an extremely ideal area for solo players, consisting of eight buildings and one vehicle. Although the area is quite far from the center, if you are a skill player with a little luck, nothing is impossible.

Danger level: low

Loot amount: many

Accessibility: average

Areas where vehicles often appear

Below is a map of the areas where vehicles often appear. Please ask that transportation is extremely convenient when it can be a cover as well as move to a safe place sooner.

Những vị trí nhiều gear và vũ khí trong PUBG - Emergenceingame

Source link: Locations with many gears and weapons in PUBG
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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