League of Legends: What is the cause of Riot’s failure when trying to expand the number of junglers?

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Before release Lillia, Riot Games there have been community criticize because of the lack of diversity in the group jungle champion. However, after that Riot fixed by increasing some new stats for the positions generals so they can be used in the jungle. This sounds interesting at first, but in fact, this project has been failure.

Also take a look at these 2 updates:


The first 7 champions that Riot has increased strength to go jungle on version 10.4

The next 6 champions get increased clearing ability in patch 10.6

There are two major changes in League of Legends 10.4 and 10.6, the generals are buffed very diversely. However, these champions all fail when used in the jungle. There are some champions that weren’t made for the jungle and don’t have stats for the jungle role, but they are more effective in the jungle than the buffed positions, like Sett, Qiyana, and more. Sylas.


This is mainly because these champions are so versatile (can be used in many roles), whether it’s laning or jungle, Sett, Qiyana, and Sylas are all very effective.

However, going to the jungle is not just about farm and gank, it also has a huge impact on the game. Meanwhile, recent buffs don’t have that ability. They are mostly skill dependent (some are ult based) like Zed, Talon, Brand, or lack effective crowd control like Teemo. All of this makes them very unlikely to impact mini-fights or teamfights. What’s more, champions like Yorick and Shen, who were born to split the enemy lineup and create space but are forced to go to the jungle, are like giving up their greatest strengths.


To expand the jungler pool, buffing the champions is not everything, we need some better ideas, a new idea, not just “adding salt to the soup”. All of Riot’s efforts since the beginning of Season 10 have failed. Even more gamer I don’t even remember and don’t care about it anymore. But with the release of Lillia and her strong passive, Riot has brought a new breath to League of Legendsespecially for gamers who love jungle.​

Source link: League of Legends: What is the cause of Riot’s failure when trying to expand the number of junglers?
– Emergenceingames.com

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