League of Legends: Top 5 support champions not to be missed in version 10.15

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first. LuLu


LuLu is one of the support generals most versatile League of Legends. Even this card is stronger now in meta there are too many dangerous gladiators. The reason is that LuLu’s skill set can transform, slow, reveal or knock up short-handed gladiator champions easily. On the contrary, LuLu can also enhance their power to the maximum.

In terms of speed and efficiency, it is many times more powerful than Yuumi. In teamfights, LuLu will try to protect his teammates well, giving priority to protecting the main force is to have successfully completed the task. So right now, this champion has a pick rate of 15% and win rate is 51%.

2. Soraka


Soraka is also support generals Recently, the buff form has become popular again. Her protective ability is quite amazing with the silent effect from E and slow from Q. Although not having the effect of creating a shield like some other champions, Soraka’s healing ability is superior. much more crowded. Even the ultimate can heal the whole team on the map, thereby changing the battle scene very well. This champion’s win rate is now 54.21% and pick rate is 6% even though it doesn’t work increased strength live version 10.15.

3. Janna


The trend of healing and creating shields is gradually returning with buff support champions appearing more and more in single ranking as well as above professional arena. Although not buffed in 10.15, Janna still has a 50% win rate and a 5% pick rate.

4. Senna


Senna is a champion who can both support damage with ADCs and heal teammates. With her skill set, with the use of Piercing Darkness, Senna can heal her allies or can continuously use the Black Mist Curse combo with Binding to help Senna. can help AD gain an advantage in teamfights as well as escape from jungle or mid ganks. Currently Senna’s pick rate is 13% and win rate is 50%.

5. Bard


Bard is not a champion that can guarantee a win for you but playing Bard is really fun. Not only is it satisfying with a single ult that hits multiple enemies, but also constant precision stuns to initiate a teamfight. In current meta, hard crowd control is an essential element of a support champion in both laning and combat. Therefore, it is not too difficult to understand when this card has a pick rate of 9% and a win rate of 55%.​

Source link: League of Legends: Top 5 support champions not to be missed in version 10.15
– Emergenceingames.com

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