League of Legends: Top 5 strongest top lane champions in patch 10.18

gamehub.vn tuong duong tren 10.18 0 - Emergenceingame

1. Akali


This girl is not only paranoid gamer headache but also make Riot Games must be confused. Riot Akali’s power has been changed many times, but this girl still shows her effectiveness, especially on professional arena. Therefore, for those who are confident with their skills, do not hesitate to choose Akali to climb rank.

Mobility, great damage, both the ability to close to the prey, as well as the ability to escape, Akali is one of the prime examples of Riot’s ability to balance champions. Currently in Korean serverAkali is having a pick rate of 11% and a win rate of 50%.

2. Kayle


In patch 10.18, Kayle was classified as a buffed champion. Although Q’s mana regeneration when hitting an enemy will no longer be and W’s mana cost will also increase, Kayle will not consume mana when using E and gains projectile speed. Therefore, the amount of damage that this girl deals will be much better and will save more energy when farming with E. However, Kayle wants to be strong, it still depends a lot on equipment and level. Currently, this champion has a pick rate of 5% and a win rate of about 51%.

3. Camille


If you often watch the professional league You can see a lot of Camille cards player use. Great mobility and abundant damage is what gives Camille an outstanding win rate of 52% and a pick rate of 12%.

4. Darius


Darius is a strong champion in meta top lane throughout season 10. Pretty easy to play but extremely annoying to play against. This means that Darius’ opponents have quite a few tools to deal with him if they don’t stay in a safe position, which is not often seen at low elo ranks. In addition, Darius is quite flexible in the way you build because you can build more or less resistance depending on what your team needs. Meanwhile, Darius’s kit needs to use very little directional skills, reducing the risk of missing moves. The 52% win rate, 7% pick rate and 37% ban rate in patch 10.18 are enough to prove the strength of this champion.

5. Fiora


With the ability to counter many strong champions in the current top lane meta, Fiora is gradually becoming popular and trusted. This is clearly demonstrated by the 52% win rate and 6% pick rate. Riot Games has had a very beneficial buff for Fiora in version 10.16, and this champion also possesses a huge damage skill set, capable of solo killing any opponent in the upper echelon. High mobility and good ability to block opponents also make Fiora quite safe on the road, completely able to retreat in many gank situations. With a good and lucky start, Fiora snowballs extremely hard, while increasing in strength over time, becoming a monster in the late game.​

Source link: League of Legends: Top 5 strongest top lane champions in patch 10.18
– Emergenceingames.com

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