League of Legends: Top 5 mid lane champions worth playing in version 10.18

gamehub.vn tuong duong giua 10.18 6 - Emergenceingame

1. Zed


In recent versions, Zed has always been one of the top champions in terms of stats such as 14% pick rate, 52% win rate, and 42% ban rate. The fact that Zed gets a lot gamer The mid lane pick comes from a magical set of moves and has the ability to finish off the opponent in just one note thanks to the quick and huge damage stacking mechanism. In addition, Zed is also typical for split push play. However, players need to have high skills if they do not want to eat bricks from teammates.

2. Yone


After the success of “general” Yasuo, Riot decided to summon One’s brother, Yone, in hopes of bringing a breath of fresh air to the Arena of Justice. After a bit of a struggle, now Yone has started to find his rightful place in the mid lane. This is demonstrated by the 10% pick rate, 55% ban rate, and 51% effectiveness. Yone clearly stands out for its strong damage over time, with the Passive of the Hunter’s crit passive being doubled, which means that Yone only needs to equip 2 crit items. he already has 100% crit chance.

In addition, the W skill also allows Yone to deal damage as a percentage of health and create virtual armor when participating in combat. Yone can approach the enemy’s key position with his E, placing a mark and dealing bonus damage when he returns to his body. Another plus point of Yone is the relatively good control with Q.

3. Talon


Talon is always a potential threat whenever he can roam to other lanes and take advantage of his lead to snowball for the whole team. Talon can even help the jungler take the lead with the pressure he puts on the map and make any bot lane duo, even if they lose to the opponent when laning, become useful in the game. total fighting. This is demonstrated by the 7% pick rate and up to 52% win rate.

4. Galileo


Galio is often played by many people League of Legends criticized for its unattractive gameplay, but successfully ganking a Galio in the beginning is not easy, especially when the opponent is determined to just farm. In combat, with his champion quality, Galio still proves to be extremely useful, especially when reaching level 6, Galio’s ultimate will help teammates play more confident, ready to fight because Galio can support support at any time. Even when this card is combined with some jungle champion having the ability to approach from a distance, the ability to capture a single target will become very scary. LIVE Korean serverGalio is having a pick rate of 7% and a win rate of up to 52%.

5. Twisted Fate


At the moment, TF is one of the champions that achieves high efficiency in both games single ranking mixed professional arena. The highlight of TF is the very powerful target-selecting stuns. If the opponent is subjective, TF will call out the jungle and then quickly stun, get the first victory easily. Before level 6, TF can push the lane pretty well and with the cheat passive, TF farms more than the opponent’s money, so can make a difference very early. When he reaches level 6, TF’s threat will spread across the map thanks to his ultimate Destiny. Just appear suddenly and throw 1 yellow card and the opponent will fall in an instant. It is thanks to the ability to support teammates almost anytime, anywhere that makes TF a popular champion in Korean rank with 7% pick rate and 50% win rate.​

Source link: League of Legends: Top 5 mid lane champions worth playing in version 10.18
– Emergenceingames.com

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