League of Legends: Top 5 generals to help you easily climb the rank of first in version 10.3

League of Legends: Top 5 generals to help you easily climb the rank of first in version 10.3

Unve 10 League of Legends in version 10.3

Here are 5 champions for each role that will help you climb ranks easily in patch 10.3

1. Ornn – Top lane

With his ability to upgrade equipment for free, has made Ornn extremely valuable in the current meta. When the game is mainly focused on elemental dragon control and bottom lane, Ornn is the perfect choice, Although he doesn’t have much advantage in the top lane compared to other types of gladiators, but Ornn can support and give mid and bot the ability to upgrade some items in the shop. Brings superior ability against mid and bot team enemy.

League of Legends: Top 5 generals to help you easily climb the rank of first in version 10.3


  • Upgrade equipment for free
  • High mobility
  • Good teamfight at long range
  • Very tough in the game


  • Requires highly skilled players
  • quite weak in the early game
  • Less damage done

Build a rune board for Ornn

League of Legends: Top 5 generals to help you easily climb the rank of first in version 10.3

The tree of steadfastness is Ornn’s core rune as it grants him extra health, damage, and the ability to quickly destroy towers. In the Inspiration secondary tree, which gives Ornn a longer lane, the free stopwatch helps to use it to save Ornn from difficult situations, then convert it into an armored beast.

Plus priority skills

Ornn’s skill addition sequence is R>W>Q>E. Add max W first, then Q.

With pretty weak damage at the beginning of the game, so you should work hard to farm and try to reach level 12 as soon as possible to upgrade items for free. Remember to communicate with your teammates and make sure they buy upgrade items to get the most out of their passive.

2. Lee sin – Forest

Lee sin with extremely mobile gameplay, is the standard of skill for many junglers. Despite receiving many nefts, Leesin always found a place in the meta.

League of Legends: Top 5 generals to help you easily climb the rank of first in version 10.3


  • Very high mobility
  • Good gank and counter gank
  • Create mutations in the game


  • Need high skill players
  • gradually decrease in strength towards the end of the game

Build a rune table for Lee sin

League of Legends: Top 5 champions to help you easily climb to the top rank in version 10.3

The correct tree is essential for Lee sin. It gives Lee sin damage, healing, and attack speed. The secondary tree of inspiration will add free shoes to Leesin and provide cooldown reduction.

Plus priority skills

Lee sin’s mobility and damage tool is Q – Soundwave, so let’s prioritize maxing Q first. Next is W – Protector will give Lee Sin and his teammates a lot of armor.

With the most dynamic jungle play in League of Legends, you should take advantage of this and try to gank lanes from unexpected angles. Always carry a scanner to clear enemy wards when ganking. And focus on ganking in the early game, because Lee Sin will be weaker in the late game.

3. Syndra – Mid lane

As a strong general, with good stats and the ability to put good damage and coordinate very well with the team. When Syndra reaches level 6, you can easily pressurize and kill most enemy champions outside the turret. If you land a good stun, you can easily take advantage of the mid lane.

League of Legends: Top 5 generals to help you easily climb the rank of first in version 10.3


  • Ability to stack damage, finish extremely strong opponents
  • Clear minions quickly and coordinate with teammates effectively


  • Lack of mobility
  • Need high skill players

Build the rune board for Syndra

League of Legends: Top 5 champions to help you easily climb to the top rank in version 10.3

With this mastery board will bring everything you need, with the ability to deal great damage of electric shock, heal to maintain the ability of the blood taste and increase skill power when participating in taking down enemies. enemy. The secondary tree gives you more mana so you can spam skills more often.

Plus priority skills

For Syndra, Q is the core skill that needs to be maxed first, making it easy to poke opponents and set up good stuns for your E, next will add max E to reduce cooldown and increase skill range. W should add the final max.

4. Lucian – ADC

Lucian has stood out and overshadowed many times over the seasons in each meta, but his high mobility and damage make him a great ADC in pro play. Despite having a shorter attack range than other ADC champions, Lucian’s massive damage and mobility skills will help you take the initiative in teamfights.

League of Legends: Top 5 generals to help you easily climb the rank of first in version 10.3


  • Massive damage early and mid game
  • Good laning skills, maneuver, poke and damage
  • Suitable for many support champions
  • Very pressing when there is an advantage


  • Low attack range
  • It’s hard to get the advantage back when you get lost in the early game

Build a rune board for Lucian

League of Legends: Top 5 generals to help you easily climb the rank of first in version 10.3

Accuracy is the core rune of most ADCs, dealing massive damage as well as increasing Lucian’s attack speed. In the secondary board Inspiration will allow you to stay turret longer and get free shoes at 12 minutes.

Plus priority skills.

Let’s max Q as soon as possible because it gives you a high poke ability to the enemy, then adding max E will help you become much more mobile. The damage per level from W isn’t as high and doesn’t have as much impact as the rest of the skills, so let’s max W at the end.

In the early game, focus on trying to poke the enemy’s health and choose the right situation to dash E for damage.

In the mid game, gather around your team and stay in a good position.

5. Leona – Support

Leona is an exemplary suport champion, with a very good protective skill set for ADC as well as perfect approach and control.

League of Legends: Top 5 generals to help you easily climb the rank of first in version 10.3

Build an auxiliary table

League of Legends: Top 5 generals to help you easily climb the rank of first in version 10.3

Consistency is the ultimate support solution, which will give Leona better rigidity and the ability to protect her ADC, especially in the laning phase.

The Inspiration secondary tree will give you the extra ability to sustain AD protection turrets with Biscuit, and reduce the cooldowns of skills with Cosmic Insight.

Plus priority skills

Add max E first, this will allow you to reduce the cooldown as well as control the opponent better, making it easier for ADC to attack and kill the opponent. Leona’s W is one of the most basic and powerful skills that make her extremely strong so max it 2nd. The Q skill will be added last, as it doesn’t reduce the cooldown accordingly. levels where it only increases damage, which is not necessary for a support champion that favors crowd control and parry.

The above is a list of 5 generals for the best climbing lineup in League of Legends version 10.3, for your reference for ranking matches in the current meta.

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Source link: League of Legends: Top 5 generals to help you easily climb the rank of first in version 10.3
– Emergenceingames.com

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