League of Legends: Sylas continues to get buffs right after the League of Legends 10.1 update comes out

League of Legends: Sylas continues to get buffs right after the League of Legends 10.1 update comes out

Almost completely reworked in the League of Legends 10.1 update, Sylas continued to be released by Riot with a hotfix only 24 hours after the 10.1 update, with the aim of continuing to buff Sylas more.

In the 10.1 update released on January 9, Sylas was returned to the arena of justice with an almost completely reworked skill set. His kit has increased damage and cooldown reduction, but in return the ability to regenerate attacks is completely removed, making Sylas much weaker.

League of Legends: Sylas continues to get buffs right after the League of Legends 10.1 update comes out

According to the U.gg site, currently Sylas only owns 43.48% of the win rate, do not be the penultimate in the rankings of mid lane champions, just above Galio. That’s why after only 24 hours of releasing the 10.1 update, Riot continued to give another hotfix.

League of Legends: Sylas continues to get buffs right after the League of Legends 10.1 update comes out

Specifically, the changes in this hotfix focus on buffing Syslas.

Passive – Resistance to Magic Stones

Damage to primary target increased from 110% AD (+25% AP) to 130% AD (+25% AP).

Active attack speed increased from 60% to 80%.

Q – Chain Break

Q2 base damage increased from 60/105/150/195/240 to 60/115/170/225/280.

W – Kingslayer

Cooldown reduced from 14-8 seconds to 13-7 seconds.

League of Legends: Sylas continues to get buffs right after the League of Legends 10.1 update comes out

Although it has been buffed a lot, Riot’s removal of Sylas’ ability to regenerate attacks is too critical, making him slow, and too weak compared to the old version.

Source link: League of Legends: Sylas continues to get buffs right after the League of Legends 10.1 update comes out
– Emergenceingames.com

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