Killed by console player, pro gamer infuriated Xbox 360

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HighSky is a professional gamer of Fortnite, he currently plays for the Sentinels (the team that won the Fortnite World Cup thanks to Kyle ‘Bugha’ Giersdorf’s impressive performance). Recently as usual, he joined the livestream with support from his fans, everything was fine until this player was killed by a user console.​


Obviously this gamer got angry and couldn’t control his emotions, he raised the Xbox 360 nearby and said, “I got killed by this damn thing. This is the thing!” The male streamer couldn’t contain his anger, he repeatedly asked the audience if they knew how he was feeling right now. Then he stood up, grabbed the controller’s connection cord, and then slammed his Xbox 360 to the ground several times, accompanied by angry growls.​

(Interested readers can watch the video HERE.)

Of course, after such strong impacts, the Xbox controller was shattered and difficult to repair, let alone play right now. After destroying the Xbox, am the gamer said “this is what I think about this thing”. HighSky then swings it over his shoulder again to make sure the handle is completely broken and that no force can fix it.


HighSky’s actions have caused a stir in the Fortnite community, in recent months, players of the game Battle Royale This famous feeling is quite annoying to gamers who use console. Many gamers think that using the console to play Fortnite is like using a hack, it gives users more utilities to help them win against keyboard and mouse gamers, regardless of playing skills. That person’s game is lower than the opponent’s.

So it’s understandable why HighSky would be so angry at being killed by a console player. However, male gamers’ uncontrollable behavior is not recommended, because it only brings economic damage to themselves as well as spreads negative emotions.​

Source link: Killed by console player, pro gamer infuriated Xbox 360

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