Instructions for Dota 2 Pos 4 rank Immortal: The next phase of laning

Instructions for Dota 2 Pos 4 rank Immortal: The next phase of laning

Here’s a tutorial by xuisoko on Reddit:

Continuing the previous part 1 that focused on the early game, the part 2 tutorial for Pos 4 who wants to climb Immortal ranks will go into the laning phase. You can watch the instructional YouTube video below:

In previous patches, meta used to rotate at 4 minutes to win power runes, but now we have more water runes, while power runes appear at 6 minutes. That’s the right time to rotate and you shouldn’t go. earlier. We will explain more below.

1. Level 4 is your Level 6

By the time you reach level 4, in most pos 4 heroes, you already have at least 2 or 3 skills. This is the power spike of the support hero. It is the perfect time for your first rorate because:

  • You level 4
  • You will have shoes now
  • Your offlane is strong enough to carry a few waves on its own without you
  • Midlane level 6 (both mid heroes don’t have much trouble killing each other, so you’ll add damage/disable to finish them off)
  • Time of night starts (limited visibility)
  • Ward in mid just ended
  • You can help win power runes at 6 minutes (super important)

When the timeline is 5, make sure to push the lane with the core and let them know you are about to leave the lane for a few minutes. Push the lane so everything happens on the enemy turret, force the enemy carry to be in the lane and the core can safely farm in the big/small camp.

TP mid or walk through. In the video, I showed how Cr1t TP, successfully ganked and won the power rune. This helps the lane phase in your favor.

2. When should not rotate at level 4?

Do not rotate if:

  • Your offlane has built strong items early like HOTD, Vanguard in some heroes.
  • Your offlane has a very high kill potential and the enemy is still hanging around. For example, Doom, Tidehunter level 6. In this case, most carries will be jungling. If they’re jungling, you can rotate mid.
  • Your midlane is ganking in another lane for some reason. In fact, mid shouldn’t do that before getting the power rune.

3. Recognize the strengths of mid

Depending on what your team’s mid hero is, your wards will change. Warding the enemy jungle is the job of POS 4, not Pos 5, and block the enemy camp if necessary. Pos 5 must ‘babysit’ carry in lane until 7-8 minutes on most heroes, except luna/sven/jungle heroes.

  • If the mid hero is an active hero like Meme hammer OD, Storm, Ember, etc., then ward the enemy jungle (avoid wards on the hill as they will be destroyed)
  • If mid is Morph/Arc, then ward your triangle and then TP to safelane or walk to it if you feel TP is not needed (If no one is ganked).

Why do that? Let’s read on.

4. Go against carry’s rotation

This is super important. Good pos 4 players see where the carry is and go opposite on the map. Create teamfights in your position, apply pressure where the team carry isn’t farming. Of course, if the team carry participates in the turret push, then you can totally be there.

5. The game is passive, what to do?

If the game is super passive (nothing happening on the map) you can make the mistake of trying to gank solo kill or go too deep.

In passive games, judge who is the splitpush of the team and stay with them in the jungle. If you’re mobile heroes like Nature Prophet you can’t do that, but if it’s Underlord pushing lane, stay with them.

If you have an active juggernaut farming and pushing lane, stay close to them. You can watch the video to know more.

You can support xuisoko by subscribing to his YouTube channel or following him on Reddit. You can read more of his tutorials below:

Source link: Instructions for Dota 2 Pos 4 rank Immortal: The next phase of laning

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