Guide Dota 2 pos 4 rank Immortal: To lane, leave lane and when to gank

Guide Dota 2 pos 4 rank Immortal: To lane, leave lane and when to gank

Here’s a tutorial by xuisoko on Reddit:

Do you know why pos 4 players like Saksa, Cr1t, XinQ sometimes carry the game by themselves? I watched a few replays of Cr1t, Saksa in the past and summed up how they are in lane pos 4 (melee and ranged), as well as how to gank, how to do that.

You can watch the video below:

In just 5 minutes, Saksa killed Slark 3 times, killed Slark’s chicken and also helped the offlaner farm well.

Ranged pos 4 laning phase

As Ranged pos 4, you always want to start the game with a sentry and a ward to block the enemy’s small camp before the game even starts. In the above case, we don’t include heroes like KOTL if playing in pos 4, because these heroes can eat small stack camp by themselves without danger. If you hold a hero like that, there’s no need to block camp. You can steal the stack instead.

  • Buy a Sentry and Ward, block camp with sentry before the game starts
  • Professional auto-attack (explained below)
  • Must get level 2. Don’t let offlaner solo experience before you reach level 2.
  • When you win the first pull, you can let the offlaner eat solo experience under the tower (only do that when you’re level 2)

How to auto-attack harass professionally:

  1. Watch out for creeps. When auto-attacking the enemy, we want our creeps next to you, and the enemy creeps next to them. You don’t attack your opponent if his creeps are closer to you than yours.
  2. When your opponent or offlaner pulls aggro ranged creeps and melee creeps, you act like a creep melee and go with your melee creeps.
  3. These 3 Melee creeps will act as your bodyguard. If someone attacks you, they will protect you. And enemy creeps won’t be nearby to protect him (usually, in this position you can 1v2 enemy and still win harass).
  4. Apply this for the first 3-4 waves. Gain the health and resource advantage.
  5. Don’t let your opponent pull when you have a health/mana advantage.

Melee pos 4 laning phase

Playing melee pos 4 is quite difficult to harass the opponent, especially if the opponent is all ranged. You can apply the creep tip above, auto-attack carry if they are melee, gain ranged cs with spell. (eg: hit, hit, fissure = harass + eat last hit).


  • Choose a position to stand on the side of the jungle camp, not the other side.
  • This way you can take advantage of fast block camps and force pos 5 to leave the camps.
  • You can also snipe the courier here, because the courier’s default route always goes through here.
  • Apply blind spots to your advantage. In the replay, Cr1t hid in the tree, right next to the enemy pos 5 passing to pull camp. After that, he auto-attacks Silencer to half health. (this is not possible unless you have a level advantage).

When is Gank

The reason for pos 3 to get solo experience when you have level 2 is to get pos 3 to level 6 before the enemy carry. If successful, you are free to roam. Carrying the enemy has a high chance of going into the jungle, if you see Doom, Tidehunter, Pangolier or any offlaner reaching level 6, when he is only level 5.

The ideal time to rotate is the 6th minute. However, in the previous patch, I watched a few replays of the pos 4 players, they used to rotate at 7 minutes, mainly because:

  • When it’s still night
  • Wards are reset for both teams (you will smoke or TP in this rotation), which will give you a vision advantage.
  • At 8 minutes, power runes appear. Gank a lane, stack camp while running power runes. Eat runes or keep mid.
  • After the first gank in safelane, it’s time to gank mid

Ideally, you want to trade hits with your opponent’s pos 5, so they have to return to the fountain. Take advantage of this time to return to the fountain. Then, around the 7th minute, TP went to another lane and gank. Of course, if that lane gets pushed, don’t come.

Try mid or continue in the offlane instead. The goal is to have enough resources to fight in the 8th minute rune position. Of course, if you still have Salve and Mango, then you don’t need to go home. Watch the video to understand everything better.

You can support xuisoko by subscribing to his YouTube channel or following him on Reddit. You can read more of his tutorials below:

Source link: Guide Dota 2 pos 4 rank Immortal: To lane, leave lane and when to gank

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