How to take advantage of the Arena of Truth Elemental Box season 2

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Teamfight Tactics season 2 with the appearance of the Elemental Box system is a very strong tactical change, here’s how to take advantage of the Elemental Tiles of the Arena of Truth season 2.

In the Arena of Truth season 2, League of Legends, the new Elemental Umbrella system has been a powerful change in team building in each match. This changes the problem of arranging as well as choosing a lineup according to the way like Teamfight Tactics season 1 when there are too strong squads that are used continuously.

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New changed Elemental Tiles in Teamfight Tactics season 2.

How to take advantage of the Arena of Truth Elemental Box season 2

1. Overview.

Each game will appear a random Elemental form including Earth, Wind, Fire, Water with different buffs for each type. In addition to buffs such as increased attack speed, increased evasion, permanent mana or health, Elemental Tiles also affect Qiyana’s system.

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Elemental buffs will affect the way you build and arrange your squad each game as the Elemental Tiles will appear randomly and you need to find a way to make the best use of it.

2. The Water Element.

The element of Water will increase the mana of the troops in that square. The 2 lineups that should be played in the game with the Water Element will have

– Summon/Assassin lineup

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Summon will be extremely powerful in the early stages when Malzahar and Kindred have equipment. With increased mana, Malzahar or Zyra can summon you a lot, especially when combined with items like Shojin Spear.

If the Water Elemental Box is above, put Annie there because usually Annie just needs to release the bear to finish the mission because she can’t store mana after releasing Tibber,

– Mage/Water lineup

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Speaking of having a lot of energy, of course magicians will absolutely love this. Brand will be the main damage unit of this squad when Brand’s damage will be huge, combined with water and Water Elemental Box, Brand can throw skills continuously and completely defeat the opponent when enough time is available. time.

3. Elemental Fire.

Elemental Fire will grant attack speed increase. The attack speed is really suitable for all formations, especially physical damage-oriented formations such as Light or Fury,…

There are many squads that make good use of the Fire Elemental Space such as Light, Rage, Dark, … so which formation should depend on the champion that you get 2 stars early from the start and the ability to rotate of the player.

4. Fire Elemental.

The Wind Elemental Box brings too strong dodge ability, combined with the Frost Gloves with the Wind clan will give you a unit with the ability to tank almost immortal.

The Wind Elemental Box will help the Swordsman benefit when he can combine 2 Winds early with Yasuo and Qiyana. This is also a suitable formation to play with the Wind Elemental Box.

– Swordsman/Wind lineup

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With the evasion from Wind for the whole team, along with the Wind Elemental Umbrella, the Frost Glove will maximize its effectiveness and give you a very powerful tank while the damage of the Swordsmen is extremely large, especially with Sivir and Yi.

5. Earth Element

The Earth elemental slot grants infinite health to the units in it. With the Earth element, you can place the main damage pieces for more resistance, which is also completely stable. With the Earth Elemental Slot, you should choose a formation that does not have to change much so that the champion placed in that box has the best health from the beginning of the game.
Above is how to take advantage of the Arena of Truth Elemental Box season 2, you can see more Top 3 Hyper Roll lineup Extremely powerful Truth Arena season 2.

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