How to name a space, name a space in Among Us?

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Effective way for you to hide, make it difficult for other players

Naming spaces in online games is an extremely familiar and action Among Us no exception. This makes the game even more interesting, especially when you are in the position of an Imposter. Of course it is not a protective talisman for your character’s safety, but it is still enough to make it difficult for other players.

So really spoiled the story of the character’s name in Among Us how? Let’s find out in the article below.

The answer is no chat games allow characters to be hidden at all. In fact, players are using Unicode special characters to become “invisible” both to themselves and to other players. If you do not know how to do it, you can refer to the instructions below of the Game Fun.

Note: Naming this space in Among Us Only supports mobile version (Android and iOS) and PC version does not yet support.

Step 1: You visit the following website to get the Unicode space character by right-clicking on it and then selecting Copy

Copy space characters

Step 2: You start the game Among Us on the phone and choose to change the character’s name. Then, paste the space you copied above, paste it in the naming box, and press Done.

Paste the space character

Step 3: Now, try to enter any room to see the change. All characters in the room have names except for the one circled below.

Hidden characters

In addition, your character names will not appear in the vote, if you want to “kick” you out, other players will depend on your color.

So, you already know how to name spaces, name spaces for characters in Among Us to easily hide without fear of being discovered.

Source link: How to name a space, name a space in Among Us?

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