Hitman 3 offers the first footage – Let Agent 47 raid the Dubai Tower from the air

Hitman 3 chao san doan phim dau tien Cho Agent 47 dot kich thap Dubai tu tren khongf9d74bbc8a0960c6 - Emergenceingame

Paragraph trailers first of Hitman 3 took viewers to one of the upcoming new locations in the game: a skyscraper in Dubai.

The trailer tells the story that takes place in the context of the World of Assassination trilogy, revealing the dark forces at work in the underworld. When Agent 47 and Lucas Gray are on their way to Saudi Arabia, Gray mentions Providence, a secret organization in the Hitman universe, whose role is to control key world affairs.


Gray said, “After decades of hiding in the shadows, we’re hitting back – me and Agent 47” and then went on to talk about the three Providence founding members they discovered in Hitman and Hitman 2 The trailer shows Lucas Gray and Agent 47 walking through the sand dunes, and then wearing oxygen masks in the plane’s cargo hold. “47, it’s time,” Gray said as the cabin opened. After that, the two headed towards the skyscraper standing tall among the clouds.

Hitman 3 will release next month. Players who own the first two games will experience new game levels, updated with modern Engine technology that IO Interactive introduced in the map of Chongqing earlier.

Source link: Hitman 3 offers the first footage – Let Agent 47 raid the Dubai Tower from the air
– Emergenceingames.com

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