Hearthstone’s Most Important Cards of 2017

Hearthstone's Most Important Cards of 2017

The most important cards in Hearthstone are the ones that can bring an entire deck type (also called archetype) into the meta. Or the cards are so frustrating that the player community is constantly screaming on Reddit demanding Blizzard to nerf them.

Cards that serve either aggro or control play can be the subject of negative player reactions. And whether leaving Standard, about to leave Standard, or threatening to dominate the meta in the near term, there are many cards that cause great discomfort in 2017.

Of course, not all the strongest or most influential cards are the cause of player frustration. Here is a list of the cards that have had the biggest impact on Hearthstone in 2017, and some of them

t number can continue that in 2018.

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Reno Jackson

No matter how you feel about this card, Reno Jackson has always been a minion that can shape the meta on its own. This adventurer helps Highlander (only-one-copy-of-a-card) decks get a foothold in the meta. Reno Mage and Reno Priest have both proved to be quite effective at times, but Reno Warlock is the strongest deck in the Highlander decks. For quite some time, Renolock was one of the most powerful control decks in Hearthstone.

The strength of Reno Jackson can also be seen through the fact that all Highlander decks disappeared from the meta when Reno went Wild in April 2017 – at least until August with the Death Knight Heroes.

Shadowreaper Anduin(62889).pngShadowreaper Anduin

Although not directly benefiting from Highlander’s strategy, the Death Knight Hero of the Priest class really brought the class to a whole new level of strength.

Anduin’s Hero Power can be used multiple times in a turn, and what’s better if that Hero Power costs 0 mana? Raza the Chained makes that happen. Raza’s effect itself is tied to the Highlander strategy, and thanks to that Kazakus also returned to the meta after 4 months of absence. Razakus Priest is at the top of the Hearthstone meta in Knights of the Frozen Throne, and even after the meta stabilized after Kobolds & Catacombs, Razakus Priest is still among the strongest decks.

Ultimate Infestation

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Knights of the Frozen Throne delivered one of the most controversial cards in Hearthstone history – the Ultimate Infestation.

Costing up to 10 mana, many thought it might be too slow. But with up to 4 effects combined in one card, Ultimate Infestation becomes the most powerful game-changing card in the game. Compared to Firelands Portal, it does the same thing, but draws up to 5 more cards and increases armor with just 3 mana. When facing Jade Druid, having to see the opponent launch Ultimate Infestation on turn 10 is almost inevitable and also causes great inhibitions for many players.

For a long time, players asked to nerf this card, but in the end the card that was nerfed was the Spreading Plague. Ultimate Infestation is an indispensable part for the Druid class to maintain its strength.

Patches the Pirate

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If there’s one card that players are really looking forward to leaving the Standard this year, it’s Patches the Pirate.

The little pirate 1/1 has caused great frustration for many players since it was released in April 2016. Possessing no massive stats or flipping effects, Patches simply jumps out of the deck, costs no mana, and provides instant tempo with the Charge effect. With the ability to generate early tempo, Patches the Pirate is present in most current aggro decks. Whether it’s Shaman, Warrior, Druid or Rogue, players bring a few other Pirates into the deck to use Patches.

Anyway, Patches’ time in Standard is only 4 months, and he will soon say goodbye to this game mode.

Corridor Creeper

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It’s only been a few weeks, but Corridor Creeper has immediately made a big impact on the meta. Who wouldn’t want a 0 mana 5/5 minion?

This card is present in many decks today, as it is beneficial almost all the time. If you play an aggro deck with a lot of monsters, you will put pressure on the board from the first turns. If the opponent can clear it, Corridor Creeper will be reduced to a very low cost. Conversely, if you have to clear the opponent’s table, then after playing a monster or clearing the table spell, you can immediately drop the purple worm with 0 mana.

Despite being a new addition to the Hearthstone collection, the Corridor Creeper could be a very important part of 2018.

Source: dotesports

Source link: Hearthstone’s Most Important Cards of 2017
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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