9 Best League of Legends Skins Released in 2017

9 Best League of Legends Skins Released in 2017

The end of 2017 also marked a pretty important milestone in the history of League of Legends. Riot Games has set 2 goals for 2017 and overall they have accomplished them. First, the design team put a lot of effort into redoing the old and rather weak champions at the moment, bringing them back to the Arena of Justice. Second, the story design team has also redesigned the plot for some champions, as well as giving the world League of Legends community short stories or short videos around that change.

Of course, Riot has done a great job in relation to the above issues to keep League of Legends always attractive to players, and these are certainly very important things for every game. In addition, 2017 was also the year that many beautiful skins were released by Riot Games. While it doesn’t have much of an impact on the game, storyline, or champions’ strengths, doesn’t everyone want to look great in League of Legends matches?

Here’s a list of our 9 best outfits of 2017 (only 1 for each outfit group)

9. Singed Honey Bee

With the variety and abundance of fan-made outfits this year, Singed Bee is always appreciated among them. Singed’s inherent costumes are usually quite serious and focus mainly on his sinister appearance as well as the toxic smoke trail behind him. But using Singed has never been taken seriously, including his playstyle. Singed’s job is just to run around behind all 3 enemy towers in the early game just to separate them from their wave making it harder to farm and in teamfights to just run around to lure the enemy. direction enters his smoke trail, running away from enemies to kill them slowly. Singed Honeybee fulfilled both criteria: making Singed more eye-catching, and making him the joke he deserved.

8. Star Guardian Ahri

Another set of Star Guardian skins has also been released this year and Ahri is definitely the standout amongst them. Not only are the lines different from usual, the sound and visual effects, the transformation animation when using the ultimate is also what makes this skin more outstanding. And she also has a spirit that flies around her throughout the match making her outfit more eye-catching. That’s why Star Guardian Ahri deserves to represent her skin group to stand on this list.

7. Brand Sub Boss

In 2017, for the first time, the villains in the Simulation costume group had their own costumes. Brand Sub-Boss, the skin we chose to represent the bad guys in the Emulator, has been designed for Brand to have an appearance that resembles the old 8-bit games, replacing his fire as fire like old games and also new sound when using moves. This is a perfect combination of scary and cool, it helps Brand Sub Boss deserve a place on this list.

6. SKT T1 Jhin

We can’t have a list of the best skins of 2017 without mentioning the SKT T1 skin group. In the past, the costumes to honor the winning team of the world finals have never been appreciated by players. They almost always have a motif of wearing sportswear and sunglasses. But this year, Riot has made a costume to honor the 2016 World Championship team that can make them proud. All of these skins are very beautiful, and Jhin is considered to be better, most likely thanks to the wings that Riot adds to this champion every time he uses his ultimate and makes the skin’s coolness increase. multiple.

5. Alistar Dairy Cow

Singed Honey Bee isn’t the only fan-made skin that Riot has adopted this year. Alistar Dairy Cow was once considered an April Fool’s joke and is also one of the most appreciated costumes. Not only Alistar players have owned this skin, but even professional players have used this skin during competition, spamming the knocking action just like we do. The outfit is still a strong Alistar wearing a pajamas and overalls and holding a gong that can make the opponent angry at any time.

4. Caitlyn Ultimate Weapon

For a long time, we only knew of one Ultimate Weapon skin (VKTT) that belonged to Ezreal, so when Riot announced that this VKTT skin would be for Caitlyn, the community was very much looking forward to it. there. Back when Ezreal Ultimate Weapon was released, it was the top of the top. New dialogues, new skill effects, all that has never been seen in any skin before. But over time, the new costumes gradually became more beautiful, more eye-catching, Ezreal VKTT became not so prominent. And when Caitlyn VKTT debuted, she knocked out Ezreal’s inherent position and kept her 4th place on this list.

3. Yasuo Magic Sword

Yasuo Ma Sword and Riven Thien Kiem are 2 new skins of the Good vs Evil skin group and they have gone beyond the eye-catching level with the predecessor skins of this skin group. Both of these skins are also launching with new events and missions, where players will choose for themselves the side of Good or Evil to receive corresponding rewards. Both skins are very eye catching, but we’re sorry to give Yasuo 3rd place this time because of his satisfying ult animation.

2. Yorick Arc

Yorick finally has a new skin after 6 years of being on the Arena of Justice and Riot has not let the fans down when this is a great skin. With not only Yorick getting a skin that switches to the light side instead of dying and languishing like before, Yorick’s monsters have also been tweaked to suit this skin. Previously, only Varus, Vel’Koz, and Vayne had the Arc skin, so Yorick doesn’t seem to have much to do with these champions. With new effects of the set of moves, sound effects and recall effects, a masterpiece has been created for the champion who is in dire need of a new color for himself.

1. Lee Sin is absolutely Godless

The 1st place of this year’s list belongs to the Godless Lee Sin. This Legendary skin is more expensive than most at 396RP, but it’s a great value for money skin. Everything has been replaced with new effects, from the set of moves to the way to move or even the stationary state. The new lines are quite suitable for the arrogant and “bright” look that this costume has brought to Lee Sin. The Absolute Godless Lee Sin seems to have everything to be able to become a personal champion of the Arena of Justice.

Source: Dotesports

Source link: 9 Best League of Legends Skins Released in 2017
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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