Hearthstone: The Next Expansion Brings Dr. Boom back and add Legendary spells

Hearthstone: The Next Expansion Brings Dr.  Boom back and add Legendary spells
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Blizzard has just announced that Hearthstone’s next expansion will be The Boomsday Project, and will launch on August 7.

And the character representing this expansion is none other than Dr. Boom – aka Dr. 7. The Doomsday Project will add 135 new cards, including 9 Legendary spell cards, a new set of Mech minions, and the keyword Omega with Magnetic. So what about these Legendary spells? Let’s take a look at the Rogue spell, Myra’s Unstable Element:

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Withdraw the whole deck. With 5 mana, it was hard to judge Myra’s Unstable Element. No one wants to draw the entire deck and enter the Fatigue phase on turn 5, even if your deck is hyper-aggressive. Maybe you will keep it until there are no cards left in your hand and there are only 10 cards left in the deck? This is a card that has the potential to increase the number of cards in the hand in an aggro deck.

We continue to take a look at Shaman’s Legendary minion with the Electra Stormsurge gameplay below:

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Blizzard says that all of the Legendary minions in Boomsday are scientists and inventors, so we may encounter Legendary Dr. Boom is remade in this expansion.

Briefly about keywords. Omega is quite simple: if you play the Omega card with 10 Mana, this card will have an additional bonus. In the case of Omega Defender, the bonus will be an additional 10 attacks.

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Magnetic is slightly more complicated. This is a Mech-only keyword: “allows the player to fuse Mech minions, combining their attacks, health, and abilities.” Blizzard said. It sounds like Deathstalker Rexxar’s power hero Build a Beast has been reused by Blizzard and changed the keyword, just changing from Beast to Mech. The question that is making people wonder is Magnetic is automatic. Can we choose to fuse two Magnetic Mechs, or if we use another card along with, say, Spider Bomb, will they be fused automatically?

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In addition to the Legendary spells, The Boomsday Project will add a new type of spell: Projects. “Projects are spells that add bonuses to both players when used. Those who make the most of these bonuses will win over the opponent.” Let’s take a look at Druid’s Biology Project. This card will be very useful with decks that use a lot of mana:

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In addition to 135 cards, The Boomsday Project also adds a new singleplayer mode called The Puzzle Lab. It will air on August 21, two weeks after the update goes live, offering “over 100 challenging puzzles.” Each branch in Puzzle Lab will have its own theme. Some focus on the Survival puzzle with the goal of surviving a certain number of turns, while the Lethal puzzle will be forced to find a way to finish the opponent according to the situation unfolding on the table.

We also have the Board Clear puzzle: you can guess that you have to clear the opponent’s board. What about the Mirror puzzle is still a mystery (maybe win the match when you and your opponent both have the same cards?). If you win Puzzle Lab, you will have the opportunity to “solo 1v1 with Dr. Boom, in Dr.’s private office,” Blizzard says, you’ll probably receive a card back or profile picture when you’re done.

As usual, Blizzard also let us pre-order the bundle. For $50, you can get a 50-pack Boomsday bundle, which comes with a free golden Legendary card, a Mecha-Jaraxxus card back, and a Mecha-Jaraxxus Warlock hero skin.

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- Emergenceingame

In addition, Hearthstone will have a new game table:

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According to pcgamer

Source link: Hearthstone: The Next Expansion Brings Dr. Boom back and add Legendary spells
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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