What if CSGO can break walls like Rainbow Six

What if CSGO can break walls like Rainbow Six
Chuyen gi se xay ra neu CSGO co the pha tuong nhu Rainbow Six 1 - Emergenceingame

CSGO doesn’t really have a lot of items that allow players to break to find new ways to win. But in a recent workshop, CSGO fans were able to experiment with what happens when the environment in a game is as destructible as Rainbow Six.

Destructible Inferno is the newest map in the CSGO workshop. The creators of Lion Doge and Angel not only brought new physics to the map, but they also tweaked the Source engine a bit to make it behave more like Rainbow Six Siege.

CSGO has never applied explosive effects like in Destructible Inferno. Counter-Strike Source used to have a lot of physically interactable objects, but explosive crates flew or shards of wood exploded from gunfights. But this feature inadvertently created many game bugs for players in Source.

Bombs can be hidden in crates to prevent defuse. That caused the development team to limit the physical interaction of objects in CSGO, making it impossible to destroy the environment. That was until the Destructible Inferno showed up.

Chuyen gi se xay ra neu CSGO co the pha tuong nhu Rainbow - Emergenceingame

Although physical interaction in CSGO maps does not affect gameplay much, but Destructible Inferno shows that the developer has not really removed this feature, but only reduced it a bit. So what happens when CSGO can destroy the environment more. How can the round end if capturing site A can be done by breaking the wall instead of going through the main road?

Chuyen gi se xay ra neu CSGO co the pha tuong nhu Rainbow Six 2 - Emergenceingame

Or would it be easier to retake site B if you could break the glass at construction?

Chuyen gi se xay ra neu CSGO co the pha tuong nhu Rainbow Six 3 - Emergenceingame

The radar in Destructible Inferno is really useful because it shows all destructible objects in red, so that players don’t have to dig around to find parts of the map that can be broken. In Destructible Inferno, the apartment walls, porch, and T Bridge all collapse when blown up.

These effects will have a huge impact on CSGO, making gameplay not as good as before. But Destructible Inferno is a very interesting experience for you to feel CSGO in a new dimension. Players can subscribe to the Destructible Inferno map on the Steam Workshop.

You can read more tutorials on the same CSGO topic:

Source link: What if CSGO can break walls like Rainbow Six
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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