Equipment to pay attention to and how to combine and coordinate in the game of Truth Arena

trang bi 640 - Emergenceingame

In the previous tutorials, we have learned together the basics of types Heroes, races, types as well as some strong comps in The latest Truth Arena game. And how to use and combine equipment to increase maximum power for champions is what many people wonder the most. Let’s join EmergenceInGame refer and answer these questions!

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Instructions on how to combine and combine equipment in the Truth Arena season 3 – Infinite Thien Ha:

In the title strategy game This is only 2 main types of items, that is Basic items (puzzle piece) and Luxury Items (complete form). Also the Strategy game or other moba the base map will only give champions certain minor stats only (minus Super shovel – special puzzle piece). And when we put the two basic pieces together, we create the complete item. It will carry the stats of the two basic items, and have certain special effects.

Equipment in the Arena of Truth season 3
Equipment in the Arena of Truth season 3

In addition, players should note a number of things below:

  • Equipment when equipped on champions will permanent, cannot be disassembled or disassembled.
  • Only complete basic equipment transplantation, impossible cup items Complete back to baseline level.
  • Most complete equipment will have the full stats of the basic item pieces, but there will be some special exceptions such as: puzzle pieces. Practice gloves will increase your crit chance or 20% evasion, depending on whether the item left is an attack or defense item.
  • Passive of items will be restored after each round. For example, the cumulative score of Lunar bow, the ability to revive Angel Armor
  • Each hero can use 2, 3 of the same premium complete items, and can stack the effects of equipment. Except for some items like Angel Armor, Red Amulet, Demon Letter Morello and equipped with additional attributes Race / Family transplant from Super Shovel.
  • Random transplant results of Thief gloves and Hand of justice will show up very clearly in the early preparation stage, players can easily customize and arrange the team accordingly.

List of equipment, items, items of the latest Truth Arena:

kiem bf - Emergenceingame

Sword BF: +15 damage

gay qua kho - Emergenceingame

Oversized sticks: +20 magic damage

cung go - Emergenceingame

Wooden bow: + 15% attack speed

gang dau tap - Emergenceingame

Training gloves: + 10% critical chance, + 10% dodge.

dai khong lo - Emergenceingame

Giant belt: +200 health

nuoc mat nu than - Emergenceingame

Tears of the goddess: +20 mana

giap luoi - Emergenceingame

ao choang bac - Emergenceingame

Silver gown: +25 armor

sieu - Emergenceingame

Super shovel: very cool when combined with other pieces of equipment.

The complete equipment in the latest Truth Arena:

kiem tu than - Emergenceingame

BF Sword + BF Sword

= Sword of Death

  • +30 Damage
  • Receive an additional 15 Damage per attack for 1 stack.
  • Start the game with 2 stacks.
  • Every time you kill or assists kills an enemy (including summoned heroes), will gain 1 extra charge until the fight ends (no stacks limit).

kiem sung - Emergenceingame

BF Sword + Oversized Sticks

= Hextech Gun Sword

  • +15 damage.
  • + 20% magic power.
  • Heals for 25% of the total damage dealt (both basic attack and attack).

diet khong lo - Emergenceingame

BF Sword + Wooden Bow

= Giant Extermination

  • +15 damage.
  • + 15% attack speed.
  • Attacks deal 12% of the target’s current health as bonus physical damage.

vo cuc kiem - Emergenceingame

Sword BF + Gauntlet Practice

= Infinity Sword

  • +15 damage.
  • + 20% critical chance.
  • 100% more critical damage added.

co hieu zeke - Emergenceingame

BF Sword + Giant Belt

= Zeke Pennant

  • +15 damage.
  • +200 health.
  • At the start of a fight, all allies within 2 spaces on both the right and left sides of the champion have an 18% increase in Attack Speed.

ngon thuong shojin - Emergenceingame

Sword BF + Tears of the goddess

= Love Shojin

  • +15 damage.
  • +20 mana at the beginning of the battle.
  • After using the skill for the first time, gain 18% more maximum mana for each basic attack.

giap thien than - Emergenceingame

BF Sword + Net Armor

= Angel Armor

  • +15 damage.
  • +25 armor.
  • Upon death, removes all adverse states, and revives after 2 seconds with 400 health.

huyet kiem - Emergenceingame

Sword BF + Silver Cloak

= Blood Sword

  • +15 damage.
  • +25 armor.
  • Basic attacks heal for 35% of damage dealt.

guom cua vua vo danh - Emergenceingame

Sword BF + Gold Shovel

= Blade of the Unknown King

  • +15 damage.
  • The hero used will also be in the Sword Emperor type and cannot mount multiple of these items on the same champion.

mu phu thuy rabadon - Emergenceingame

Oversized sticks + Oversized sticks

= Rabadon Witch Hat

  • + 40% magic damage.
  • Gain 50% more Ability Power from all sources.

cuong dao guinsoo - Emergenceingame

Oversized sticks + Wooden bow

= Guinsoo’s Rageblade

  • + 20% magic power.
  • + 15% attack speed.
  • Each basic attack grants an additional 4% Attack Speed ​​until the end of the fight. Stacks infinitely (but actually only up to 5 attacks per second).

gang bao thach - Emergenceingame

Oversized sticks + Training gloves

= Gemstone gloves

  • + 20% magic power.
  • + 20% critical chance.
  • Skills of equipment generals can critically strike.

quy thu morello - Emergenceingame

Oversized sticks + Giant belts

= Devil letter Morello

  • + 20% magic power.
  • +200 health.
  • Skills inflict Grievous Wounds (50% reduction in healing) and deal true damage equal to 2% of the enemy’s maximum health per second for 10 seconds. It is not possible to mount multiple of these items on the same champion.

vong am luden - Emergenceingame

Oversized sticks + Tears of the goddess

= Luden Echo

  • + 20% magic power.
  • +20 mana at the beginning of the battle.
  • Skills bounce 2 enemies in 2 spaces around the primary target, dealing 150/175/225 (based on champion’s star level) damage.

day chuyen iron solari - Emergenceingame

Oversized sticks + Net armor

= Iron Solari necklace

  • + 20% magic power.
  • +25 armor.
  • At the start of a fight, all allies within the 2 slots on both the right and the left of the using champion receive a shield that blocks up to 250/275/350 (based on champion’s star level) damage, existing in 6 seconds.

no set - Emergenceingame

Oversized cane + Silver Cloak

= Lightning crossbow

  • + 20% magic power.
  • +25 armor.
  • Enemies within 2 cells will receive a lightning strike when using the ability, dealing magic damage equal to 200% of their maximum mana and having their magic resist reduced by 50%.

boc boc pha - Emergenceingame

Oversized sticks + Gold shovel

= Wrap burst

  • + 20% magic power.
  • The hero used will also be in the Blasting class. It is not possible to mount multiple of these items on the same champion.

dai bac lien thanh - Emergenceingame

Wooden bow + Wooden bow

= Cannon Barrage

  • + 30% attack speed.
  • Attack range has been doubled.

cung - Emergenceingame

Wooden bow + Training gloves

= Green bow

  • + 15% attack speed.
  • + 20% critical chance.
  • Critical attacks reduce target’s armor by 90% for 3 seconds, without stacking. Each champion can only equip up to 1 Blue Bow.

thong dao zzrot - Emergenceingame

Wooden bow + Giant belt

= Intercity Zz’Rot

  • + 15% attack speed.
  • +200 health.
  • Upon death, summon a Void Void with 1000/2000/3000 health (increasing with star level) to continue fighting.

dao dien statikk - Emergenceingame

Wooden bow + Tears of the goddess

= Statikk electric knife

  • + 15% attack speed.
  • +20 mana at the beginning of the battle.
  • Each 3rd attack deals 75 bonus magic damage to the primary target and 2/3/4 to the other target (based on champion’s star level).

quyen nang khong lo - Emergenceingame

Wooden bow + Net armor

= Great power

  • + 15% attack speed.
  • +25 armor.
  • When taking damage from any source or dealing critical damage, getting a stack increases the damage by 2% (stacks up to 100%). When maxed, gain 25 Armor & Magic Resist, and increase in size.

cuong cung runaan - Emergenceingame

Wooden bow + Silver cloak

= Runaan rampage

  • + 15% attack speed.
  • + 25 magic armor.
  • Basic attacks attack 1 more enemy next to the primary target, these additional attacks only deal 70% damage but still apply full attack effects.

mong vuot mat tham - Emergenceingame

Wooden bow + Gold shovel

= Secret Claw

  • + 15% attack speed.
  • The hero used will also belong to the Secret Detective system. It is not possible to mount multiple of these items on the same champion.

gang dao tac - Emergenceingame

Training gloves + Training gloves

= Thief Gloves

  • + 20% critical chance.
  • + 20% dodge.
  • A champion equipped with the Gangster Gauntlet will not be able to use any additional items, except for items temporarily obtained from this item.
  • Gangster Gloves cannot be worn to an equipped champion. At the start of the round, get two temporary items. The quality of the equipment will depend on the player’s level.

vuot bay - Emergenceingame

Training Gloves + Giant Belt

= Claw the trap

  • + 20% dodge.
  • +200 health.
  • The used champion will initiate the round with a magic shield. Stuns any enemy who dares to destroy the shield for 4 seconds.

ban tay cong ly - Emergenceingame

Training gloves + Tears of the goddess

= Hand of Justice

  • + 10% critical chance.
  • + 10% dodge.
  • +20 mana at the beginning of the battle.
  • At the beginning of the formation circle, the champion that uses it will randomly receive 1 of 2 effects: a 50% damage increase or 50 health regeneration per hit until the round ends.

ao choang tinh lang - Emergenceingame

Training gloves + Net armor

= Silence Cloak

  • + 20% dodge.
  • +25 armor.
  • At the start of a fight, firing a beam of energy forward, the first enemy hit will have a maximum mana increase of 40% on the first use of the ability.

ao choang thuy ngan - Emergenceingame

Training gloves + Silver cloak

= Mercury Cloak

  • + 20% dodge.
  • +25 Magic Resist.
  • Champions possessing immunity to crowd control effects during the first 15 seconds of combat.

trai tim hac tinh - Emergenceingame

Training gloves + Gold shovel

= Heart of the Dark Star

  • + 10% critical chance.
  • + 10% dodge.
  • The hero used will also belong to the Black Star race. It is not possible to mount multiple of these items on the same champion.

giap mau warmog - Emergenceingame

Giant belt + Giant belt

= Warmog’s Armor

  • +400 health.
  • Hero used restores 4% of missing Health per second (up to 150 health per second).

day chuyen chuoc toi - Emergenceingame

Giant belt + Tears of the goddess

= The Atonement Chain

  • +200 health.
  • +20 mana at the beginning of the battle.
  • Upon death, creating an area that restores 800 health to all allies within it after 2.5 seconds.

bua do - Emergenceingame

Giant Belt + Mesh Armor

= Red charm

  • +200 health.
  • +25 armor.
  • Basic attacks deal Grievous Wounds (50% reduction in healing) and deal true damage equal to 2% of the enemy’s maximum health per second for 10 seconds. It is not possible to mount multiple of these items on the same champion.

phong kiem - Emergenceingame

Giant belt + Silver cape

= Wind Sword

  • +200 health.
  • +25 armor.
  • At the start of a fight, expel (knock) an enemy on the other side of the table with a symmetrical standing position with the user for 6 seconds. It is not possible to mount multiple of these items on the same champion.

ao giap ho ve - Emergenceingame

Giant Belt + Gold Shovel

= Protective Armor

  • +200 health.
  • The hero used will also belong to the Guardian system. It is not possible to mount multiple of these items on the same champion.

quyen truong dai thien su - Emergenceingame

Tears of goddess x2

= Scepter Great Angel

  • +40 mana at the beginning of the match.
  • Restores 20 mana each time a skill is used.

tim bang - Emergenceingame

Tear of the goddess + Net armor

= Ice Heart

  • +20 mana at the beginning of the battle.
  • +25 armor.
  • Reduces attack speed of all nearby enemies for 0.5 seconds (possessing more than one Frost Heart at the same time expands the slow range).

chen an hue - Emergenceingame

Tears of the goddess + Silver Cloak

= Cup of Grace

  • +20 mana at the beginning of the battle.
  • +25 Magic Resist.
  • Each cast, restores 10 mana to all allies in 2 slots.

bua ho ve tinh tu - Emergenceingame

Tears of Goddess + Gold Shovel

= Star Guardian Charm

  • +20 mana at the beginning of the battle.
  • The hero used will also belong to the Star Guardians. It is not possible to mount multiple of these items on the same champion.

ao choang gai - Emergenceingame

Net armor + Net armor

= Cloak of Thorns

  • +50 armor.
  • Removes bonus damage from critical attacks. When attacked by a basic attack, dealing 100/140/200 magic damage to all nearby enemies, can only happen every 2.5 seconds.

tan kiem - Emergenceingame

Mesh Armor + Silver Cloak

= Swordsman

  • +25 armor.
  • +25 armor.
  • Basic attacks have a 25% chance to cause the enemy to be Disarmed for 3 seconds, making them unable to attack normally.

huy hieu noi loan - Emergenceingame

Mesh Armor + Gold Shovel

= Rebellion badge

  • +25 armor.
  • The hero used will also belong to the Rebellious race. It is not possible to mount multiple of these items on the same champion.

vuot rong 1 - Emergenceingame

Silver Cloak + Silver Cloak

= Dragon Claw

  • +50 magic armor.
  • Gain 50% more magic damage resistance.

qua cau thien tinh - Emergenceingame

Silver Cloak + Gold Shovel

= Celestial Orb

  • +25 Magic Resist.
  • The hero used will also belong to the Universe race. It is not possible to mount multiple of these items on the same champion.

giap sinh ton - Emergenceingame

Gold Shovel + Gold Shovel

= Armor survival

  • Increase the limit of champions that can play on your field by 1.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 12:00

Source link: Equipment to pay attention to and how to combine and coordinate in the game of Truth Arena


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