Dota 2: Vici Gaming officially bids farewell to Eurus, confirms Elephant.4AM has paid the fee

Dota 2: Vici Gaming officially bids farewell to Eurus, confirms Elephant.4AM has paid the fee

The heated argument between Elephant.4AM and Vici Gaming and carry player Zhang “Eurus” Chengjuns has come to an end.

VG previously banned Eurus from competing the day before with Elephant.4AM at China Dota2 Pro Cup Season 2, stating that the fee of 1,500,000 yuan has yet to be paid. On Weibo recently, Vici Gaming confirmed the deal was completed. Here is the official announcement from the organization:

“After careful communication between the player and Elephant, VG confirmed that the transfer fee for Eurus has been paid. We reached a consensus with Eurus and Elephan to make the following change:

Zhang “Eurus” Chengjun, former VG.DOTA2 player transfers Sang Elephan.4AM Dota 2.

From pubstar to player with 10,000 MMR, from solo-mid champion to brilliant carry, he has always been passionate about Dota and resilient in tournaments. We believe that success will surround you in your journey to perfection.

Goodbye, Eurus, thank you for the 3 years. We hope the upcoming journey will be a motivation for you to move forward. We hope he still shines with his original dream. Garou never gives up!” (Garou is Eurus’ profile picture on Weibo and the antagonist in the One-Punch Man manga.)

Vici Gaming chinh thuc tu biet Eurus xac nhan Elephant.4AM da tra phi - Emergenceingame

Eurus has officially played for Elephant.4AM since November 16, 2020, and quite funny, his first match in CDA-FDC Professional Championship Season 2 was his old team VG. Both Vici Gaming and Elephant.4AM are participating in China Dota Pro Cup Season 2.

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