Dota 2: Should Neutral Item be removed from the game?

Dota 2: Should Neutral Item be removed from the game?
Neutral Item 7.23 dota - Emergenceingame

Patch 7.23 is quite special. In addition to balancing almost all heroes, IceFrog also introduced neutral items, items that drop from neutral creeps. Unlike talent, the feature is almost positively rated by the community, neutral items are backlash. Despite voicing opinions, Dota gamers still have to suffer as usual and have to adapt to neutral items for the past year and a half. Now, almost professional Dota is waiting for TI10, many fans expect a big update in the game. So the article will go through the macro aspects of the game to discuss whether neutral items have improved the game experience.

In theory, neutral items are interesting because they give you the opportunity to change the way you build during the game based on the items you pick up. It allows us to skip a few items that add up or heal initially if you can pick up a reasonable neutral item which is a good idea. This creativity is a plus point for Dota. But in practice, its impact is not as theoretical.

Some neutral items only work well with certain heroes, while others simply increase stats and heal/mana. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of players love simple neutral items. Paladin Sword adds damage and lifesteal, Titan Silver gives you more stamina and deals more damage, while Philosopher’s Stone gives gold. If filtered, almost neutral items are only used by adding stats and healing / mana.

Dota 2 neutral creep - Emergenceingame

Because of the characteristics of hero combos, it is difficult to balance the current neutral item system. The fact that Storm Spirit or Zeus prioritizes Fairy’s Trinket tier 1 over some tier 3 items for Storm is not a good sign. Sometimes you’re forced to opt for extra cast range at 45 minutes into the game and would rather get a Keen Optic instead of a tier 4 item. A lot of the time, the choice is simply a few hundred HP or +30 damage. Deciding which neutral item to choose is no longer interesting if you’re stuck with an incompatible item, like a Telescope or Ceremonial Robe. Both items have a very good aura but are quite boring, making most players prefer to choose +20 Faded Broach’s movement speed.

At least aura items like Vladimir’s Offering or Pipe of Insight provide a clear objective when purchasing them, or allow you to activate the item’s feature. Speaking of useless items, some neutral items feel like they have to ‘return cards’. For example, you need to remember to exchange Trusy Shovel every minute to dig for Salve, Mango for free or remember to hold Philosopher’s Stone when you die. This is a mechanism that is not interesting at all for the game.

Whoever holds any item is gradually applied according to the available formula. Spell caster will always hold spell amp item or reduce cooldown. The carry will almost always exchange it for a bonus item until it picks up a Flicker, to sell the shoe, and give that slot to another damage item.

Even tier 5 items that are expected to create mutations and change the game still have to follow that logic. High damage or attack speed will be for strong carries at 60 minutes. Item tanks are for hero tanks. Escape item for paper hero. Of course, there are still some interesting neutral items like Ex Machina, Mirror Shield or Fallen Sky that make the game more transformative. At the same time, there is nothing more boring than losing to the immortal Specter level 30 while holding a Mirror Shield. Neutral item makes late game Dota like playing the lottery. Luck can increase attraction for viewers, but rarely brings a positive experience to gamers in the match.

IceFrog does not hesitate to make major changes in the game and then decides to bring them back if the community is not satisfied. Neutral Item has really brought a breath of fresh air to the game over the past year and a half, but is it worth keeping or are there other tweaks to them?

According to dotabuff

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