Dota 2: On average 11.7% of games have at least one player quit midway

Dota 2: On average 11.7% of games have at least one player quit midway
dota 2 low priority problems - Emergenceingame

In more than 50 million matches, GOSU AI, the Dota 2 application, estimates that 11.7 percent of all Dota 2 games have at least one player dropping out. That does not mean that those who quit the game are all rage quitters (angry, so they quit the game), because GOSU AI cannot confirm the percentage of people who lose connection due to power outages or network failures.

Early Quit games are quite common in Dota, League of Legends, and Overwatch. For some reason, some players often quit the game as soon as they start losing or their teammates don’t do what they want. This often happens when the game is out of balance because a team lacks members when fighting, resulting in insufficient damage and resources.

Like many other developers, Valve has tried to combat the phenomenon of premature quitting by penalizing players for leaving the game before it’s over. The penalty is called Priority and is for those who miss many matches or get reported many times in a row.

Dota 2 has a built-in system that detects bad behaviors like ‘throw game’, feed and AFK in the long run. This system will monitor the player’s habits and issue a Low Prioprity penalty if the behavior is serious.

All players start at Normal Prioprity, but when pushed down to Low Prioprity, it can negatively affect your playing experience. Low Prioprity makes them wait longer to find a match, only allows you to play the game in unranked single draft mode, blocks the ability to drop items and more. Exiting Low Prioprity is quite simple, but very boring.

Depending on the level of reports or the number of ‘abandon’ matches, players with Low Prioprity need to win a certain number of games while playing with others in the same situation. Once they meet the set requirements, they will be returned to Normal Prioprity.

In general, the data shows that in low ranked games, people who quit early are more common. Most likely because they are still getting used to the game and easily get angry when they lose many matches continuously.

For example, taking the Herald, 20.5% of the 171,626 games tracked had at least one player drop out. Nearly a quarter of the matches at this rank are defeated.

The good news is that when you reach Ancient rank, this number drops to 9.8% and continues to decrease. This shows that, as players become more and more experienced in the game, and gradually adapt to the Dota system, they care more about Prioprity and do not abandon their teammates.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t solve the problem with new players, who often change games instead of staying and trying to climb the ranks. If they can’t entertain themselves or play well with their teammates, those who quit mid-game will frustrate them.

Currently, we still don’t have a clear way to fix this problem other than what Valve has applied. When there’s a human element to a game like Dota, it makes the game more enjoyable, but it can also be more frustrating if all of the above happens.

Currently, the Reddit forum is discussing many ways to fix this problem, to help the game community become fresh and less toxic.

Source link: Dota 2: On average 11.7% of games have at least one player quit midway

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