Dota 2: Meta Support Analysis in 7.21

Dota 2: Meta Support Analysis in 7.21
Support - Emergenceingame

Support often goes unnoticed in Dota. Support requires a lot of practice to have effective tackles. Some pro teams even prioritize their support members to farm, which is rare in pubs. Therefore, this article will analyze the effective support heroes in the current meta, strong enough to resist any pick on the opposing side.


Keeper of the Light and Chen are strong heroes, if you know how to coordinate like a pro team from the beginning, you can take advantage of Chakra Magic in the lane and Holy Persuasion in the mid game. Otherwise, these two heroes are burdens.

Both have a win rate of less than 50% at all ranks. The two cannot support on their own, requiring a team with above-average synergies and good game knowledge to promote. Both of these heroes aren’t strong in the laning phase and aren’t good picks either.

Keeper - Emergenceingame

But KotL can be picked if you make sure the opponent doesn’t pick Lifestealer or Juggernaut – Will-O-Wisp is a powerful teamfight move, but the long cooldown and the opponent can handle it makes KotL not as attractive as other supports in the game. meta.


Io was also a professional pick in the past, but now things have changed. In terms of gameplay, this hero is not really easier, but the IO is too strong now.

Overcharge almost doubles, giving 140 Attack Speed ​​and reducing damage taken by 30%, while Tether now grants healing and mana to allies regardless of Io’s current state. This hero almost needs fixing and now is the best time to take advantage of it.

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Io starts off with a 50%+ win rate at 4k+, but is the second strongest support at Divine and above. Playing Io requires getting used to, understanding the game and understanding everything that happens on the map. Io needed two people to coordinate, but it was highly successful.

With Urn and Healing Salve on himself, Io can heal allies for over 120 health per second, and that can happen from the first 10 minutes. There is almost nothing that can kill a hero with that much healing in the first 10 minutes of the game. And if you focus on Io, the opponent will ignore the carry that is buffed with +140 attack speed. But Io is by no means undefeatable, it’s just that the hero is too strong.


Lich and Grimstroke have been the game’s most popular support picks this week. Frost Shield is still a great move, while Soulbind opens up interesting moves, becoming a counter to the meta’s popular DPS melee heroes at the moment.

Together, these heroes make a great mid-game duo: players should consider picking one of these two if the opponent starts the draft with Lich or Grimstroke. It doesn’t mean that this combo can’t be defeated, but merely deals too much damage and strong control ability, even if there are no items on the body.

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Of these two heroes, Lich is seen as the priority – reducing physical damage is always important, even if the match lasts more than 45 minutes, while Chain Frost is psychologically difficult – often forcing The other party has to separate even though you don’t have to. Sinister Gaze is also much better – it doesn’t take long to cast really strong against Slardar, Magnus, Ax and Tide.

It doesn’t matter HOW YOU WIN

Bane is probably one of the most boring heroes, but well worth playing. Bane’s kit is stronger than any support in the game, with the disable being an immunity-piercing move that makes it easy to prepare for battle and capture opponents.

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This hero is strong without items, while being useful throughout the match. Make sure you pick the +100 cast range talent at level 10 and get to the Aether Lens in time to push your opponent to 4v5 in all situations.


Lion and Shadow Shaman are pretty good right now. Specifically, these are heroes that are never weak, as both of these heroes have so much CC, ensuring they are always present in every meta.

Of the two, Shadow Shman is of course the stronger hero. SS is stronger in lane, has higher hit damage and stats. This hero has a better push and split-push ability, as Shadow Shman can not only nuke wave creeps but also deal a lot of damage to enemy turrets. This hero makes better use of money and levels and knows how to exploit the Refresher Shard better.

Shadow Shaman và Lion cuộc chiến của các Disabler 1 - Emergenceingame

But that doesn’t mean Lion is bad, it’s just that Lion is more adventurous. With the right game and the right player, Lion can be stronger than Shadow Shman, adding AoE disable to flip the teamfight, but requires you to choose the correct position, time the right timing and the ability to predict the enemy’s path. enemy. You mostly want to play as support position 4, instead of position 5.


Vengeful Spirit was the most successful support of the week, with a win rate of nearly 55%. This hero is quite strong, has good stun and strong aura, can reduce enemy armor. That makes VS strong in lane, with the only thing stopping him being his low early game damage stats.

Vengeful Spirit 1 - Emergenceingame

In addition, VS is very well developed, with high stats per level and useful until the end of the game. Vengeful Spirit’s ability to save teammates with Nether Swap is extremely useful against the current popular Chaos Knight and Lifestealer.

Hero can help DPS carry survive, turn the tide and increase the team’s push ability, even though VS can die in the middle of the enemy battle. This hero is currently underrated and should be picked more often – VS’s influence in the game is unquestionable, no matter what your rank is.


Crystal Maiden won 53% of the games I played during the week – it’s a great support in terms of stats. The only buff that CM gets in 7.21 +10 Extra Armor while using Freezing Field.

CM - Emergenceingame

10 Armor is a big stat and the hero becomes extremely tanky while using his ultimate. In any teamfight, CM turns into a danger that cannot be ignored, requiring your team to waste a disable or leave the Freezing Field – until later in the mid game, due to focusing on a support over 15 armor with physical damage really takes a lot of time in the early game.

Although CM is not strong in lane, this hero has a global aura that helps his teammates. Offlane, mid and position 4 support can cast more spells, cast more spells with at least 60 extra mana per minute. That makes a big difference in the first 10 minutes of the game, enough to win the lane.


The first support meta pick seems to be opening up, with more heroes appearing among the stable heroes from the previous patch. Hopefully we still have many heroes left out of this list.

From now on, stay tuned to see how the Tier 1.5 and Tier 2 teams will surprise in the upcoming Minor qualifiers! Perhaps there are still some heroes that have not been discovered by the teams.

According to Dotabuff

Source link: Dota 2: Meta Support Analysis in 7.21

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