CSGO: Guide to choosing a shooting angle to win in gunfights

CSGO: Guide to choosing a shooting angle to win in gunfights

The fact that CT chooses the site’s corners to shoot down the opponent while the opponent can’t see himself is an example of taking advantage of the terrain in CSGO. This article will show you how to choose a shooting angle to increase your chances of hitting the enemy.

CSGO is a slow game with a methodical gameplay. There are many tactical decisions that must be made before the first bullets explode in the round. Therefore, both CT and T sides must pay attention to their positions by choosing reasonable viewing angles.

In general, the game has two types of viewing angles: standard angle (default angle) and off-angle (not aligned to the angle). Most players choose standard angles and use them optimally.

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If you know how to choose versatile shooting angles (there are many different ways to shoot), you can force your opponent to spend time checking many different directions.

This means you should choose shooting angles that can be utilized in many ways, or one that allows you to safely retreat while still protecting your area of ​​the map.

According to youtuber voo: “Standard angle helps you get the first kill easily because they have to check many different angles. After firing the first bullet, you can change positions easily.”

Standing guard in a sheltered corner can give you a higher chance of getting a kill, as well as making it easier for you to buy time, giving your teammates more time to react in dangerous situations.

“When choosing a position, you’ll usually try to center around objects in the direction your opponent is coming from so you can focus on shooting in those positions,” explains Voo.

But towards the end of the round, the value of the off-angle increases significantly, depending on the progress of the round.

Off-angle becomes extremely powerful because the opponent will probably have little utility (flash/smoke/molotov/grenade) late in the round. It also means that the opponent will not be in a favorable position to trade.

CSGO Hướng dẫn canh góc để bắn thắng địch 1 - Emergenceingame
Off-angles are a great way to get kills, but must be used wisely and depending on what happens in the round.

Instead of standing in default positions, these off-angles can help you win the round, not just delaying or hindering the opponent’s push.

Note that choosing the right position depends a lot on what your role in the round is. If you’re a lone player on the site or a site keeper while your teammates rotate, you should consider whether or not you need to play proactively.

The above is just the first part of an in-depth video showing how to stand and basic angles in CSGO. Look forward to reading the next articles!

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Source link: CSGO: Guide to choosing a shooting angle to win in gunfights
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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