Common terms used in the game League of Legends

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Each game often has its terms, which only insiders can understand. If you are new to the game League of Legends (LOL), quickly learn the common terms below to play the game more effectively.

League of Legends has quite a few terms, arranged in rhymes from A – Z for you to follow:

  • Ace: Kill all enemy champions.
  • AD (Attack Damage): Physical damage.
  • ADC (Attack Damage Carry): The player is in the position of a gunner.
  • AFK (Away From Keyboard): People standing in one place do not play while the game is in progress.

Terminology in League of Legends
If the AFK is too much you will be fined.

  • Aggro, Aggression: Become a target of soldiers or towers.
  • AI (Artificial Intelligence): Preprogrammed machine or bot opponents.
  • AoE (Arena of Effect): Wide-ranging moves.
  • AP (Ability Power): Ability damage index.
  • AP Ratio: Rate increases character’s magic damage stats up.
  • AR (Armor): Armor reduces physical damage.
  • ArP (Armor Penetration): Magic resist penetration point.
  • AS (Attack Speed): Attack speed.
  • B (Back): Go back, back up.
  • BrB (Be Right Back): Come back now.
  • Backdoor: 1 or more character hitting a tower without the help of a soldier.
  • Balt, Baiting: Method of luring the opponent.
  • BG (Bad Game): It was a bad game.
  • Bot: Similar to AI.
  • Brush: High grass, bushes.
  • Blue: Giant green stone jungle camp.
  • Buff: Use skills to increase damage, improve attack abilities and heal teammates.
  • Care: Careful.
  • Carry: A weak hero or character early in the game, but very strong in the end.
  • CC (Crowd Control): The moves that affect the opponent’s movement such as: Fear (intimidate), Silence (cannot use the attack), Taunt (makes the enemy look at him), Stun (stun), Slow (slow) .
  • CD (Cooldown): Cooldown.
  • CDR (Cooldown Reduction): Cooldown reduction.
  • CR (Creep): Soldier.
  • CrC (Critical Strike Chance): Chance rate for a critical attack.
  • CrD (Critical Strike Damage): The rate of critical attack damage possible.
  • Champ (Champion): Chess.
  • Combo: Use sequence moves.
  • Counter Jungle: People visit the enemy forest.
  • Cover: Support or protection.
  • Cb (Combat): Fight.
  • CS (Creep Score): Number of soldiers killed.
  • Dis (Disconnect): Loss of life.
  • DoT (Damage over Time): Deals a gradual HP reduction damage to the opponent.
  • DPS (Damage Per Second): Deals massive damage in a short time.
  • Dive, Tower Diving: Enter the opponent’s tower line of sight.
  • ELO: Scoring System in Ranked Game.
  • Exp (Experience): Experience points.
  • Facecheck: Check out the bushes.
  • Farm (Farming): Kill soldiers or monsters to earn money.
  • Fed: Those who have a lot of money after killing multiple champions of a change opponent.
  • Feed: Dead many lives.
  • Flash: Variable speed modifiers.
  • Gank: Kill enemies by surprise, often used for junglers.
  • GG (Good Game): Good game, often used when the game is over.
  • GOSU: Players with outstanding individual skills.
  • GP5 (Gold Regen): Gold increases every 5 seconds.
  • Harass: Actions annoying.
  • HP (Hit Points, Health Points): Blood number.
  • HP5 (Health Regen): Health restored every 5 seconds.
  • IAS (Increased Attack Speed): Attack speed increased.
  • Initiate: Starting a battle of armor.
  • Invade: Infiltrate the opponent’s jungle.
  • Imba: Hegemony.
  • Juke, Juking: Trick the opponent and run out of sight thanks mainly to the bushes or the chaos of the battle.
  • Jungling / Jungle / Forest: Kill monsters in the forest.
  • Kite (Kiting): Hit fast, run fast.
  • Hotels (Kill Steal): Just action “Lucky fisherman”.
  • Lane: Soldier’s path.
  • Lane Top: Top line.
  • Lane Mid: Median.
  • Lane Bottom: Bottom line.
  • Last Hit: One final attack on a monster or hero for gold.
  • Lv (Level): Level.
  • Leash: Pull out monsters to help your teammates fight.
  • Leaver: Exit game when not finished.
  • Metagame: Developments often happen in the game.
  • Mid (Middle): Mid laner.
  • MS (Movement Speed): Speed ​​of movement.
  • MIA (Missing in Action): When an enemy champion is not in line of sight, he doesn’t know where they are.
  • MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Area): Used for games like League of Legends, DOTA.
  • MP (Mana Points): Energy point.
  • MP5 (Mana Regen): Mana points are restored every 5 seconds.
  • MPen, MrP (Magic Penetration): Magic resistance piercing.
  • MR (Magic Resist): Against magic.
  • Noob (Newbie): New player.
  • Nerfed: Changes weaken champions, helping to balance the game.
  • OP (Overpowered): Very strong player.
  • Offtank (Offensive Tank): Be a backup tank if the main tank is not on the map.
  • OOM (Out of mana): Out of energy.
  • Ping: Press the alarm on the mini map, the blue ping indicates the destination / attack, the yellow ping is careful / undo.
  • Poke (Poking): A common way of harassment is to use a wide range attack to take blood from an opponent, causing the opponent to lose blood while still within safe range.
  • Pushing: Attack the road with the goal of clearing your troops and towers.
  • Re: Return, usually used for opponents who have reappeared after disappearing.
  • River: The river cuts across the map.
  • Red: Bai Tinh Red Thorn forest camp.
  • Roam: People often change paths.
  • Rune: Complementary jade.
  • Skill: General move.
  • Skill Shot: A move that you must aim at using your playing skills.
  • Skill Target: Target selection technique.
  • Snowball: Increase small advantages into great advantages.
  • Smite: Punishment adjunct magic.
  • SP (Suport): Player positions support.
  • Scales: Your skill level is stronger with the purchased item.
  • Scaling: Usually used for Ngoc’s influence level.
  • Tank: Champions are played to take the majority of the opponent’s damage, often as a pioneer.
  • Team Fight: Armor to fight both Team 5vs5 in the match.
  • Tele / TP (Teleport): Teleportation modifiers.
  • Top: Top laner.
  • TP, Teleport (Teleport): Summoner spells help you teleport to targets on your own side.
  • Troll: Only the players who messed up.
  • TT (Twisted Treeline): 3vs3 map.
  • Ulti / Ultimate: Last hit.
  • UP (Underpowered): Used for items or champions that are too weak compared to the general level of the game.
  • Zone, Zoning: Control area, mostly around champions, NPCs, and towers.

When you master these terms, you will easily communicate, understand what other players are saying. In addition, games like DotA, Assault good Pokémon GO also has its own terms.

Updated: October 27, 2017

Source link: Common terms used in the game League of Legends

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