Can PS5 controller play PS4? Find out before you buy!

- Emergenceingame

Can the PS5 controller play PS4 is a question that many customers have sent to nShop recently, especially when the Playstation 5 is getting hotter and hotter and the price is still quite high. Many of you will think to buy Dualsense handle Going back to try and play games on PS4 and then buy a PS5 later, then you will have 2 hands to play 2 people – also convenient and reasonable.

Can a ps5 controller play ps4?

However, be careful because if you do not learn carefully you will waste money without taking advantage of 100% of the necessary needs. Today, nShop will answer with you the above problem!

Can PS5 controller play PS4?

The short and simple answer is are not, at least in the current 2021. You can plug the PS5 Dualsense controller into the PS4 via the USB cable connection, but the only result is that the PS4 will only charge the PS5 controller, not give any feedback.

So why do some people say PS5 controller can play PS4?

It is true that the PS5 controller can play PS4 is not necessarily wrong, but it needs a somewhat cumbersome way that few gamers use: Remote Play on PC. After setting up Remote Play PS4 on your PC, you can plug the PS5 Dualsense controller into your computer to play PS4 games. However features like haptic feedback, microphone… will not work with PS4 games (Because the base PS4 game doesn’t support these features).

Another misleading way of saying that a PS5 controller can play PS4 is playing PS4 games on a PS5. Due to the backward compatibility of the PS5 to play PS4 games, you can also fully use the PS5 controller to play PS4 games on the PS5. (Sounds a bit roundabout).

So should I buy a PS5 Dualsense controller when I don’t have a PS5?

The answer is up to you. If you do not have a PS5 but only have a PS4, as mentioned above, you can only buy and play through remote play. Besides, the remaining feature is to take advantage to play PC games through platforms like Steam. NS Cool features on Dualsense may not be able to take full advantage of the PS5 but it’s still a good Sony controller – In the future, maybe Sony will discontinue the Dualshock 4 like it discontinued the PS4 series.

How to fix ps5 can work with ps4

Above are the shares of nShop for gamers who are learning about PS5 and PS5 controller. Hope it helps for those who are wondering if the PS5 controller can play PS4 to avoid buying but not using it! If you have any more information to answer, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below or inbox directly with nShop so that the staff can support you!

Source link: Can PS5 controller play PS4? Find out before you buy!

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