Basic Minecraft Commands

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Minecraft is a game that is attracting players with its large open world and fancy 8bit graphics. When playing, there are many different Minecraft commands for players to interact with, develop their world better and below are the basic Minecraft commands for new players to refer to.

Minecraft is a game with not really excellent graphics, however, there have been millions of Minecraft registrations so far, surely for new players who have registered for MineCraft, it will be difficult to get started. play Minecraft so the Minecraft game basic commands for new players will help a lot so that you can quickly get used to this game, install and interact with other players better.

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Basic commands of Minecraft game for beginners

/resident : Display your own information on the screen.

/resident friend remove+ : Remove offline players from friends list.el>

/resident friend clearlist : Removes all players from the friends list.

/resident friend add : Add online players to your friends list.el>

/resident friend remove : Remove online players from friends list.el>

/resident : Display information of other players on the screen.el>

/resident friend add+ : Add offline players to your friends list.el>

/resident toggle spy : admin can enable spy channel chat.

/resident toggle map : enable the map when moving over plot boundaries.

/resident toggle reset : disables all active (above) modes.

/resident toggle plotborder : Command to show the plot boundary as you move over it.

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Summary of the most basic Minecraft commands

Town is like a city consisting of many residents with activities and community. The basic commands of the Minecraft game for new players to Town will help you manage and interact within the Town.

/town withdraw : Withdraw money from the bank.

/town : Display information about the Town you are in.

/town unclaim : Sell the town’s land.

/town help : Displays commands you can use in town.

/town leave : Leaves the current town.

/town join : Please join someone else’s town.el>

/town claim : Buy land for town.

/towny add : Add someone to your towny.el>

/town deposit : Transfer money to town bank.

/town new : Create a new town.el>

/town unclaim all : Sell all of Town’s land.

/town online : Displays players who are online in Towny .

/town rank add/remove : Add or remove the current player’s rank in the Town.el>el>

/spawn tentown : Teleport to another Towny.

/town here: Displays information about the Towny you are in.

/town outpost : Set outpost location for Town.

/town new : Create a new Town with a set of 1 person to own the Town.el>el>

/town spawn : Teleport to your Towny.

/town add assistant : Choose someone to be the Town deputy.el>

/town board : Add a notification when the town manager is online.

/town homeblock – Set where to spawn in Towny .

/town delete : Delete the current Town.el>

/town ranklist : View player rank in Town.

/town perm : View Town policies.

/town list : Display a list of all Towny in the server.

/town set taxes : Set tax for Town.oh>

/town set spawn : Set spawn location for Town.

/town set name : Change your Town name.el>

/town set perm : Set policies for Town.

/town set mayor : Transfer mayor to someone else.el>

/townchat : Switch to Town chat mode.

/town toggle open : Allows you to open the door for mem join or close it.

/town toggle explosion : Enable or disable explosion in Town.

/town toggle pvp : Enable or disable PVP (fight) in Town.

/town toggle taxpercent : Specify tax in the form of a percentage or a specified number.

/town toggle public : Allow or not allow others to spawn to your Town.

/town toggle fire : Enables or disables fire in the Town.

/town toggle mobs : Allows or disallows mobs (monsters) to spawn in the Town.

/t set perm build on/off : Enable/disable build mode in Town.

/t set perm destroy on/off : Enable/disable block breaking mode in Town.

/t set perm switch on/off : Turn on/off the switch in Town.

/t set perm itemuse on/off : Enable/disable item use permissions for anyone in the Town.

/t set perm {resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}: Enable/disable build/break/switch/use against residents/allies/outsiders .

/plot : Display commands about Plot.

/plot claim : Order for Town members to buy the land the Town owner is selling.

/plot perm : Displays the border of the plot that the player is standing on.

/plot notforsale : Order for the Town owner to cancel ownership of a previously sold plot of land/plot set shop : Set a plot as a shop.

/plot forsale : Order for the Town owner to determine the selling price of a plot of land located in the Town.ah>

/plot unclaim – Order for members to cancel ownership of land purchased from the Town owner.

/plot set arena : Set a plot as the arena.

/plot set embassy : Set a plot as an embassy.

/plot set name : Allows the mayor or plot owner to rename the plot they own (personally owned plots will display both the owner’s and the set’s names).

/plot toggle clear : Command to remove the list of block IDs of the plot, used by the mayor who owns the town or by the plot owner in their own plot.

/plot set reset : Reset your plot back to its original shape.

/plot set perm {on/off} : Adjust the boundary curve of each plot that the player is standing on.

/plot toggle fire : Enable or disable the fire in the plot.

/plot toggle pvp : Enable or disable PVP in plot.

/plot toggle explosion : Enable or disable explosion in plot.

/plot toggle mob : Allows or disallows mobs to spawn in the plot.

/nation new : Create 1 new Country, set the Capital.el>el>

/nation set name : set the Country name.el>

/nation : Displays the player’s Country information.

/nation list : List the list of Countries.

/nation remove : Removes a Country from the allied list.el>

/nation enemy add : Add 1 Country as an enemy.el>

/nation online : Displays players who are online in your Country.

/nation : Displays the information of another Country.el>

/nation leave : leave the Country you are in (using the mayor).

/nation set king : The king ordered to change the throne for someone else.el>

/nation set captial : Set the capital of the kingdom.el>

/nation set taxes : The King sets taxes for the entire Nation.oh>

/nation deposit : Order to send money to your Country.oh>

/nation withdraw : Order to withdraw money from your Country.oh>

/nation new : Command to create a new Country (using mayor).el>

/nation rank : Command to set the supporter (deputy)/ personal title of the Country.

/nation add : Invite 1 town to your Country.el>

/nation kick : Remove 1 town from your Country.el>

/nation delete : Delete your Country.el>

/nation ally : Allies of the Nation.

/nation add : Add a Country as an ally.el>

/nation enemy remove : Removes a Country from the enemy list.el>

/nation rank add : Grant a title to a player.el>el>

/nation rank remove : Removes a player’s title.el>el>
Above are the basic minecraft game commands for new players from the simplest Minecraft commands to the complex Minecraft commands, requiring players at the level to have Town, Nation to use, to play the game better, you need to have a way to play MineCraft in the right steps, learn how to play MineCraft from the most basic steps to advanced steps to be able to build your own kingdoms. I wish you early success !

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