Attributes to know in Naruto Great War Mobile

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The attributes to know in Naruto Great War Mobile are the basics for you to play this game well. Immediately refer to the properties you need to know in Naruto Great War Mobile through this article of

If you’re new to Naruto the Great War, the most important thing is that you understand the attributes of Naruto the Great War to play the game best. Let’s learn about the properties of the game with

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Attributes to know in Naruto Great War Mobile

Download Naruto Great War Android: Download Naruto Great War for Android.
Download Naruto Great War for iOS devices: Download Naruto Battle For iPhone.

1. Basic stats.

Blood: Is the amount of damage the character can take. If the character is attacked by an enemy and the health level reaches 0, the character will be killed. Need to know that the character’s attack damage will be governed by physical defense and chakra defense

Physical work:Use at physical damage and physical damage skills.

Duke Chakra:Used in chakra damage skills.

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Physics Player: Reduces Physical Attack damage.

Master chakra: Reduces damage of Chakra attacks

Aggression: Chance to double the ability to unleash darts with physical skills and basic attacks.

Violent chakra: Chance to double the ability to emit lash with chakra skills.

2. Ninja Stats

Ring:Each point increases chakra attack power by 2%.

Can:Each point increases health by 1%.

Virtual:Each point increases the chance of physical attack by 0.5%.

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Kien:Each point increases by 0.5% billion of chakra bursts.

Force:Each point increases physical attack by 2%.

Speed:Each point reduces the time to wait for the next attack by 0.15 seconds.

Pure:Increases physical defense by 2% each point.

Seal:Each point increases chakra defense by 2%.

3. Attributes.

Physical Damage Ninja (Rock Lee, Gai, Neji etc…): These Ninja specialize in physical damage, have physical attack skills or support physical increase. The power of these Ninja will be limited if the opponent has high Physical Defense.

Chakra Damage Ninja (Sasuke, Jiraiya, Itachi etc…): These ninjas specialize in chakra damage, have skills in chakra attacks or assist in increasing chakra attack. The power of these Ninja will be limited if the opponent has high chakra Defense.

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Mixed Damage Ninja (Naruto, Tsunade, Killer Bee etc…): Combine both physical attack and Chakra attack in these Ninja.

Above are the basic stats that you should know when you first play the game Naruto Great War. Knowing the skills as well as the ability of each indicator, you will build a good Ninja squad.

Along with the legendary fighter, Naruto the Great War is the most popular mobile game today. With the legendary Fighter, players can freely fly and attack the enemy in the game. In Naruto the Great War, gamers need the right tactics and generals to create a strong squad.

Not only Android Smartphones but also iPhones play well the game Naruto Great War. To play Naruto Great War on iPhone, you just need to go to the AppStore to download the game and install it very easily.
If you love physical damage Ninja, build a Ninja Tank squad in Naruto Battle mobile to attack through enemies with physical damage. With the Ninja Tank squad in Naruto Great Mobile, opponents with low physical defense will be easily defeated by you.

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