Arena of Valor: After all the controversy, Dong V still stays in Saigon Phantom dong v o lai sgp 6 - Emergenceingame

After the quarterfinals APL 2020 end, SGP suddenly appeared scandal revolves around players Dong VO (Bronze DRESS). The main cause drama This mainly stems from a personal conflict between Dong V and Lai Bang.

Management of SGP to be Yamate don’t hesitate live stream “confessing” Dong V after this player actively made a big story with a status above Facebook. Dong V also apologized for his thoughtless actions and at the same time publicly livestreamed his conversation with Yamate. Dong V himself at that time also announced that he would leave SGP and accidentally created a wave of speculation about this guy’s new destination. Someone even firmly confirmed that Dong V will return to Team Flash.

After the drama gradually subsided, on July 27, SGP posted an announcement about Dong V’s future at SGP.

According to this announcement, Dong V will still stay in SGP to compete in the next season, leaving the team will not happen. At the same time, “Brother 5” will have to receive punishment from the team for his personal violations in recent times. This announcement serves as an end to the SGP drama, and removes all speculation about Dong V leaving the team to join Team Flash.

This information is somewhat helpful fan of SGP feel more secure. Many people have left comments expressing their joy, but there are also people who are not satisfied with SGP’s punishment of Dong V and want him to find a new destination.


Overall, this is still a good ending for SGP because there will be no loss of members in the upcoming season. Hopefully, Dong V will be able to ignore all personal friction and devote himself to the team in the next season.​

Source link: Arena of Valor: After all the controversy, Dong V still stays in Saigon Phantom

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