Aphelios – The new general will participate in the arena of justice

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When Senna was released not long ago, Riot continued to reveal information about the new champion. The next champion will be available in the 9.24 version of League of Legends titled: Aphelios – Twin moon warrior.

Aphelios - The new general in League of Legends

“Our faith comes closer to fate every time we try to deny it” – Alune

Revealing a new general Aphelios – Song Moon Warrior

Aphelios will be the general of the Targon mountains – the birthplace of generals related to the moon, sun and stars like Leona, Diana, Soraka, Aurelion Sol. His weapon is referred to as a gun, but on the picture we see him holding a moon sword, quite similar to Diana. Maybe, this general’s skill set will be the switch between melee and ranged, corresponding to two forms of weapons. Aphelios use.

Mount Targon - The seat of great men
Mount Targon – The seat of great men

Aphelios and his twin sister Alune are worshiped as chosen children of fate by the Lunari. Aphelios, with great physical strength, represents the real world of the moon. And Alune with magic power, symbolizing the reflection of moonlight. However, even in the tallest place in the world, war always goes on. The Lunari Festival worships the moon and Solari worships the sun (Leona Warriors’ Association) is always in opposition and at war with each other.

Leona - Solari's Guardian
Leona – Solari’s Guardian

The fierce war forced Aphelios and Alune apart. Gradually alone and losing faith, Aphelios turned to the solitary moon flowers, wishing to have the power of the night. But the poison had left Aphelios painfully and exhausted, and everything faded before his eyes. Disappointed and sad, Aphelios returned to the lunar temple to attend her sister’s ceremony. Alune was chosen to be the guardian of the spirit world. Suddenly, the Solari people attacked from the side of the mountain, and even though they fought their best, Aphelios was defeated. As his blade crumbled on the ground and Aphelios prepared to accept death, suddenly he felt Alune’s power enveloping him. She infused his hand with the power of the moon, and together they caused the Solari that day to no longer see the sun. Like the moon and its reflected light, Alune and Aphelios are the new protectors of the Lunari.

It can be seen that, Aphelios can be a “two in one” general, a flexible skill set between two weapons, attack power and magic power. Let’s wait and see, what will this new general bring to Summoner’s Rift next time!

Source link: Aphelios – The new general will participate in the arena of justice
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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