Apex Legends: Which Legends are the strongest Season 4

Apex Legends: Which Legends are the strongest Season 4

Apex Legends has 12 characters to choose from after Revenant was added in Season 4 – giving players a lot to choose from. But who is the best Legend to help you climb the rank in this new season?

Respawn has balanced the characters quite well to ensure they are all useful, especially with Legends that are less focused on players.

When it was first released, some Legends were even more inconvenient because their larger character models made them easier to shoot. Respawn fixes it by giving these Legends more health, with Gibraltar and Caustic gaining 15% more damage.

While nimble characters like Wraith, Lifeline and Pathfinder take more damage (5%) to make up for the smaller hitbox.

However, how does this change affect the characters? Below is a breakdown of the strongest Legends, based on mobility, skill, and team contribution.

Legends are ranked by ‘tier’, to gauge their rank.


Wraith Apex Legends 1 - Emergenceingame

It’s not surprising that Wraith is consistently in the strongest Legend group, thanks to a lot of advantages.

Not just a minifigure, a Tactical Ability called “Into the Void” allows her to temporarily go invisible and take no damage. This skill also heals very quickly, and is a lifesaver in many situations. It can make a big difference between life and death.

Legend’s Ultimate, Dimensional Rift is great for team play, it helps bring you and your teammates to safety and escape enemies and circles. You have to be careful using this ultimate because your opponent can use it too.

A 5% increase in damage taken isn’t enough to knock Wraith out of tier S, and he continues to be a valuable team asset and ideal for solo play.


Pathfinder Apex Legends - Emergenceingame

Pathfinder offers many of the same benefits as Wraith. Tactical Ability “Grapple” can be used to quickly escape or chase down weak enemies, not giving them a chance to heal. If used correctly, you will lure your opponent into a trap as it will be difficult for many players to resist the pre-set ‘zipline’.

The Ultimate Zipline works similarly to Wraith’s portal, helping the team get out of a critical situation, and can also be used to access hard-to-reach locations that can gain a terrain advantage over opponents. As above, you need to be careful because the enemy can also use the team’s zipline, but they will become an easy target to kill if caught running on the zipline.

One of the biggest advantages of Pathfinder lies not in the skill set but in the hitbox. Bullets seem to always slip through Pathfinder’s robotic skeleton, making it much more difficult to hit this Legend.


Gibraltar Apex Legends - Emergenceingame

Gibraltar has improved a lot since the early days of Apex Legends when this Legend was almost avoided by all players because of its large hitbox and heavy moves. Thanks to the buffs (including taking damage), Gibraltar is now stronger.

Specifically, the character’s Gun Shield is stronger, the Dome Shield heals faster, and the character’s bombs are more deadly. Gibraltar’s Ultimate has enough damage potential to clear an entire squad if placed properly, and Doom Shield not only saves you but the team as well. Note, you also need to pay attention to the enemies because there is nothing to prevent them from entering the protection circle.

Gibraltar’s Passive, Gun Shield, can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it helps the character to withstand more damage in direct gunfights, but in return, Gibraltar’s position is exposed because it is large and bright – meaning the opponent will be able to detect it from a distance.

In general, Gibraltar is much better than before, but due to the large character it is not difficult to hit, and some players prefer the smaller character. Even so, this is still a valuable asset in the squad.


Lifeline Apex Legends - Emergenceingame

Lifeline may not be the strongest Legend in terms of attack, but everyone wants a Lifeline on the team. The ability to heal quickly, as well as quick respawn and Revive Shield all play a big part in intense fights.

Care Package Ultimate is also a great tool, especially when the team needs better gear.

An added advantage is that Lifeline also uses items that heal faster, like syringes and shield cells, allowing you to get back into the fray faster. Combined with Gold Shield, you will recover armor in an instant.


Bloodhound Apex Legends - Emergenceingame

Bloodhound used to be a ‘half season’ Legend, but Season 4 has greatly enhanced the Beast of the Hunt skill. This tracking skill is extremely useful if you keep an eye on it, especially late in the game – you will follow your opponent’s trail easily.

Bloodhound’s ultimate isn’t exactly good in all situations, but it’s extremely effective against Bangalore smoke or Caustic gas, allowing you to see the enemy. In Season 4, the hunt now increases by 5 seconds for each opponent you kill. You can also combine it with your teammate Bangalore to throw smoke and then clear all enemies.

Tactical, Eye of the Allfather, although usable, it doesn’t store information for too long, and somewhat exposes you to your location, because the opponent will know you are close.


Wattson Apex Legends - Emergenceingame

Wattson is a Legend with great team play, and in Apex Legends, we will see Wattson on most teams, thanks to the skill Interception Pilon – which allows the destruction of objects thrown from the opponent to the team. can hold a stable position.

Combined with the Perimeter Security trap, if you play as a team, Wattson can be a great teammate. However, she can’t be in a higher tier solo, or if she’s playing liberally and only aiming for kills, then Wattson is not the best choice.

This is a prime example of balancing Legends from the Respawn team. Some work better when playing as a team, while others are stronger if you queue solo and can’t depend on your teammates to cooperate with you.

For example, putting Wattson and Caustic together can create deadly combos if played defensively.


Caustic Apex Legends - Emergenceingame

Caustic is a huge Legend in terms of form and lacks the flexibility of Legends in tiers A and S, but the amount of damage done from noxious gas is always what determines victory in limited areas.

If you enter a building, throwing gas traps continuously will make the opposing team angry: lose health, slow their movement and obstruct their vision. If your team has a Digital Threat scope, it works similar to Bangalore’s smoke grenade.

Having Caustic on your team can give you an easy win, as long as your character’s traps and canisters are used effectively in the late game. As for acting alone, Caustic will be an easy target to target, but when playing as a team, his skill set will shine.

In Season 4, Caustic is Revenant’s direct counterpart. When placing a gas trap next to a Revenant’s Death Totem, this device will instantly eliminate opponents when they respawn at the Totem with little health.

Caustic could be better when Apex Games returns to Kings Canyon map (which has a lot more enclosed space than World’s Edge)


Bangalore Apex Legends - Emergenceingame

Bangalore is one of those underrated Legends that could have been in tier A. The problem is that many players don’t know how to exploit her Ultimate.

Unlike Gibraltar’s Defensive Bombardment, Bangalore’s Rolling Thunder doesn’t deal enough damage to instantly kill enemies, but it does slow down their mobility and vision. If you can estimate the position of the opposing team, use Rolling Thunder to weaken them, then move in to finish.

Smoke bomb – Tactical of Bangalore – effective for both escape and attack. To attack with this smoke bomb, make sure you and your teammates equip the Digital Threat scope to gain the upper hand over the enemy in the smoke chaos. However, if you notice that the opponent hits you, they may also be equipped with Digital Threat.

Bangalore’s Passive is also great for dodging bullets, due to the increased Legend’s movement speed.


Mirage Apex Legends - Emergenceingame

The original Mirage in Apex Legends was not strong. This Legend’s Ultimate is quite useless, and Tactical is also inferior compared to other characters.

However, thanks to the big buff for Ultimate in Season 2, Mirage has increased the tier quickly, with complete stealth being an extremely strong advantage. While many people think it is the best move to escape undetected, it can be better used actively, to attack the enemy by surprise.

Passive – invisible for 5 seconds on fall – will save you many times, allowing you to hide until your teammates arrive.


Octane Apex Legends - Emergenceingame

Octane is a very fun character to play, although not the ‘strongest’, thanks to his super versatile skill set and humorous voice lines. Unfortunately, this Legend does not bring much advantage in attack and defense. His Ultimate jump pad can be used to jump to higher places or chase weak opponents, but it recharges quite slowly and is therefore not considered a strong Ultimate in the game.

Octane’s Stim gives you the speed boost to get ahead of the circle, but not to dodge enemies. Unlike Wraith or smoke of Bangalore, you are still exposed and can eat bullets.

Perhaps the strongest thing about Octane is its ability to heal itself over time, meaning you don’t need to worry about a shortage of healing items after combat. However, the character still needs to protect the shield cell and battery.


Revenant Apex Legends - Emergenceingame

The Revenant added in Season 4 is likely the hottest character to date. But is this Legend worth it? In terms of plot and impressions, yes, but in terms of skills, probably not.

We can’t deny the power of Revenant’s Ultimate, which allows you (and your teammates) to temporarily escape death.

However, that is the only plus point that comes from Revenant. The Passive move, Stalker, allows Legend to sit faster and climb higher walls. However, Respawn may have forgotten that Pathfinder is Legend’s ability to climb any building instantly, at any height, thanks to the character’s grapple.

Revenant’s Tactical, Silence, is theoretically very powerful. It deals damage and prevents the opponent from using the skill set. However, it only works for 10 seconds, after which the opponent can use the skill normally. Perhaps, this skill needs more buffs. If Respawn wants Revenant to continue to be popular after this Legend fever subsides, they need to further improve this character.


Crypto Apex Legends - Emergenceingame

Crypto was added in Season 3, but after the character’s hotness decreased, that’s when people realized that this Legend is in Tier C.

Skill sets are clearly useful, but they can’t make the “breakthrough to win the game” like the other Legends on the list. Crypto’s biggest weakness is the inability to protect themselves, while others have quick escape skills, or defensive methods.

Crypto’s ultimate, EMP blast, can be useful if timing is extremely precise. This means it is not strong in general gameplay compared to other Legends, and it will not help you get kills easily. Some players believe that Crypto needs more buffs.

Above is the personal ranking of Apex Legends. However, this list will change in future updates and as new Legends are added each season.

Source link: Apex Legends: Which Legends are the strongest Season 4
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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