Apex Legends: Ranking of Legends, who should you use the most

Apex Legends: Ranking of Legends, who should you use the most

With 8 characters to choose from in Apex Legends, it’s hard to see which Legend is the best. But with this list, it will help you choose the right Legend to play in every match.

One of the biggest highlights of Apex Legends compared to other battle royale games are the ‘Legends’.

Instead of just wearing their favorite skin like Fortnite or PUBG, each character in Apex Legends has special skills for players to exploit to win.


Lifeline - Emergenceingame
Lifeline is the most suitable character for those who play in a team direction

Since Apex Legends is played primarily as a team, Lifeline is easily considered the most important Legend.

DOC Heal Drone, allows the character to call out Drones to heal nearby teammates, reducing the need to find healing items. In addition, the character’s passive, Combat Medicwhich allows you to use healing items 25% faster.

If you need equipment, ultimate Care Package will support that. With its skill set, Lifeline really needs to win, so it definitely deserves a spot in the Apex Legends lineup.


Apex Legends Wraith - Emergenceingame
Wraith can move in and out during combat

Wraith is the perfect Legend for those looking to get in and out of combat with ease. Chieu Into the Void allows you to transform into ‘nothing’, dodging all damage, to change position while shooting each other.

If you want to get the whole team out of an emergency or catch the circle, ultimate Dimensional Rift Creates a portal that lasts for 60 seconds.

Although the skill set is not as comprehensive as Lifeline or Bangalore, Wraith’s moves are the strongest in terms of attack.


Apex Legends Bangalore 1 - Emergenceingame
Bangalore helps the team get out of critical situations easily

Bangalore offers a strong skill set. If you need shelter in the middle of a battle, Smoke Launcher Her will create a wall of smoke for the team to escape.

In smoke, you can easily use ultimate Rolling Thunder to provide a better shield under the shells from the sky.

Finally, passive (passive) Double Time Increases Bangalore’s movement speed when shot, perfect for escaping from dangerous situations.


apex legends mirage - Emergenceingame

As one of the two characters that must be unlocked with Apex Coin or Legend Token, many players still do not understand Mirage. But when unlocking, we easily see the strength of the character.

All of Mirage’s moves revolve around using Decoy (bait), which easily distracts your opponent and gives you the perfect opportunity to counterattack. Although using Psyche Out, or automatically create bait when falling with Encorelor create an army of decoys with Vanishing Actyou have a lot of choices for yourself.

Mirage’s moves depend on the situation, but this is still a good choice for those who own this Legend.


apex legends bloodhound - Emergenceingame
Bloodhound gives the team the advantage in teamfights

For those who want to play actively in Apex Legends, Bloodhound is one of the best options. The character’s kit revolves around tracking and figuring out where enemies are, giving you an advantage.

Eye of the Allfather Reveal enemy hideouts and traps to find the best approach. Passive skill Tracker shows the traces left by the opponent, and ultimate Beast of the Hunt Increases movement speed and shows enemy.

Of course, they are only useful for detecting the enemy. Once engaged, the kit does nothing useful other than showing the enemy with his ultimate. Therefore, Bloodhound is strong, but only Legend used depending on the situation.


apex legends caustic - Emergenceingame
Caustic easily isolates the enemy if you know how to use it

This is perhaps a somewhat controversial choice. Character kits can be extremely dangerous if used correctly. Caustic uses poison gas to damage the enemy.

Ultimate, Nox Gas Grenade, is considered the most important move of this Legend, because it creates a large layer of toxic smoke, slowing and damaging the opponent. If thrown into the building, your entire squad is forced to run out, catch the bullets or suffocate inside.

Nox Gas Trap Can be used to create a ring around the team to protect the team, alerting when an enemy is approaching.

Due to the skill set depending on the situation of the match, Caustic falls into Tier ‘B’, but if you know how to play, this Legends will help the team win.


gibraltar apex legends - Emergenceingame

Players who want a true tanker in Apex Legends can choose Gibraltar. Although it doesn’t have a good skill set like the heroes mentioned above, this Legend still has a place in some squads.

Gibraltar can protect himself with Gun Shieldprotect the team with Dome of Protection, creating a protective dome like Winston in Overwatch. Finally, the ultimate Defensive Bombardment continuously drops missiles from the sky.

However, this Legend is just not strong enough to compare with the above Legend.


apex legends pathfinder - Emergenceingame
Pathfinder is for those who like Hollywood action sequences

Do not misinterpret the article, the phases are handled with Grappling Hook success is compelling, but Pathfinder finds it hard to find a place in Apex Legends’ team-oriented gameplay.

Grappling Hook of the character creates flashy combat, but only for the sake of yourself, not the team. Zipline of Pathfinder helps the team move around quickly, but is also difficult to apply correctly.

Passive Insider Knowledge reveal the location of the next circle, but given the amount of time each round is given, it really isn’t necessary.

Pathfinder may need an extra buff, but right now it’s the only Legend in Tier ‘C’.

Source link: Apex Legends: Ranking of Legends, who should you use the most
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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