Apex Legends: 15 useful tips for new players

Apex Legends: 15 useful tips for new players

Apex Legends is growing and has already surpassed Fortnite in terms of Twitch followers. However, because every battle royale game has its own characteristics, Apex Legends will be different from first-person BR games like PUBG or COD Blackout.

The following tips will help new players quickly get used to Apex Legends as well as improve their survivability in the game.

1. Change the firing mode

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Here’s something you might not know when you’re new to Apex Legends: there are some weapons that can change firing modes. The vast majority of machineguns can be switched between Auto, Burst (3 rounds at a time), and Single modes, useful for different situations. When shooting enemies from a distance, it is best to change to Single to save ammo, but when shooting melee, you should choose Auto and Burst. To change the firing mode, press the B key on the keyboard (or the left button on the handle d-pad).

2. Take advantage of sliding skills (slides)

Apex Legends may have ditched Titanfall’s wall run and Titans feature, but the game has a unique feature that lets you slide. Sliding in Apex Legends is extremely useful, it helps players increase movement speed when sliding down hills, to escape enemies or run into circles. Slide can be used to chase opponents, and when combined with shotgun, it will be extremely dangerous. To slide in Apex Legends, run fast by pressing Left Shift (on a computer), and then press C to slide (O on PS4 or B on Xbox One). Players should experiment with this skill as much as possible to be able to slide naturally when fighting.

3. Break the door

apex legends caustic trap - Emergenceingame

Unlike Fortnite, Apex Legends can’t destroy much stuff, so some players don’t realize they can break doors in the game. Breaking the door takes away important cover from the opponent, and is used to counter Caustic’s “cage” strategy. To break the door, simply shoot it until it breaks or hit it with your hand twice.

4. Put your weapons away to run faster

While every battle royale game has something to stand out from the competition, one thing in common is that the games all have a circle that the player must enter. Apex Legends is no exception. You must run into the circle before the storm comes to avoid losing blood or worse, dying. Therefore, sometimes the extra movement speed is absolutely necessary and to do that, you can put away your weapon. Apex Legends allows players to stash weapons when pressing 3 on PC (or Triangle on PS4 or Y on Xbox One).

5. Exquisite Loot Areas

After landing in King’s Canyon, the first thing you have to do is equip yourself with weapons. The best weapons and armor are usually found in the High Tier Loot areas, highlighted in the map above. In addition to the above areas, the game also marks on the map random Hot Zone areas, which also have good loot. The only disadvantage of these areas is that they are often very crowded, so if you land, be ready for a gun battle.

Or you can also land on flying spaceships on the map to get good loot. They will appear early game, and almost always have Purple armor and some good weapons. It is also quite crowded here, but players often jump out of the spaceship as soon as they have what they need to avoid premature death.

6. Communication is the key to success

Apex Legends is celebrated for the game’s Ping system, which allows players to effectively communicate with each other without talking through microphones. You can mark everything in the game, from armor to enemies and interesting locations. Sometimes, even with a microphone to communicate, using the ping system will make it easier to report the enemy’s location.

Players can also communicate with teammates when they need items. Just turn on the inventory and press the mouse wheel on what you need. For example, if you’re running low on shotgun ammo, you can hover over the shotgun in your inventory, and scroll to let your teammates know you need more shotgun ammo.

7. Replay Tutorial (tutorial)

When you are new to Apex Legends, you will be given a tutorial to understand the game. Many people don’t know they can replay the tutorial to practice and try out the weapons. To play the tutorial again, click the “PLAY APEX” icon on the main menu bar and select “Training”.

8. Avoid using Finisher.

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When approaching fallen enemies, you have the option of using the Finisher to finish them off in your own style. The Finisher is very eye-catching, but it leaves the player completely exposed. For that reason, the article recommends that you don’t use Finisher, unless you have teammates on guard or have Body Armor Legendary and need to restore full armor.

9. Give Ultimate Accelerator to Lifeline

apex concept art wallpaper lifeline - Emergenceingame

Ultimate Accelerator is an item that can be used to increase the speed of completing a character’s Ultimate. If you have a Lifeline on your team, always prioritize Lifeline Ultimate Accelerator as this Legend’s Ultimate benefits the whole team. Lifeline’s Ultimate calls down Care Packages that contain good loot, so help Lifeline use Ultimate as many times as possible.

10. Pay Attention to the Hit Markers

The Hit Marker (the mark that shows you’ve hit the target) is crucial in any shooter, but with Apex Legends it’s even more informative. It tells you what armor the opponent is wearing. Players can also use the Hit Marker to see if their ultimate has hit anyone, or if the grenade has done any damage – from which they can determine whether to rush at the opponent or not.

11. Don’t quit the game just because you’re dead

apex legends map respawn beacon - Emergenceingame

Many times in Apex Legends, you will exit the game as soon as you are killed, but don’t do that. Unlike other battle royale games, where dying means playing until the end of the game, Apex Legends gives you the opportunity to return if your teammates get your banner. Then run to one of the spawn points marked on the map.

12. No blood loss when jumping from a height

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Apex Legends does not lose health when falling from above. That means you can jump from above while running away from enemies without fear of losing health or wasting healing items.

13. Don’t worry too much about the inventory

In battle royale games, players will have to spend a lot of time looking at the inventory, but that is not really necessary in Apex Legends. The game automatically equips the best item when the player finds it, including attachments for weapons. So, if the player picks up a new gun that is compatible with the attachments fitted to the current weapon, they will be automatically switched to the new weapon. The only thing that players need to worry about in Apex Legends is probably dropping items to make room for something else.

14. Reuse Jetpacks with Bubbles

Since Apex Legends does not lose blood when falling from a height, players do not have to be too concerned about the problem of using jetpacks again. However, you still have ways to reuse jetpacks to move around the map faster, such as to get into the board quickly. To use the jetpack again in Apex Legends, the player needs to find one of the bubbles. They have a rope that pulls you to the top, which then activates the jetpack on its own.

15. Use Legend’s Skills

Because skills in the game have cooldowns, players are often afraid to use them, but it is best to use them as much as possible. Skills help turn the tide, and with the fast pace of the game, keeping skills on hand means you won’t have a chance to use them before you die.

According to GameRant

Source link: Apex Legends: 15 useful tips for new players
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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