mighty race that combines the great mana spells of Hearthstone

mighty race that combines the great mana spells of Hearthstone

The Dragon (dragon) tribe has a history associated with the World of Warcraft storyline. From new cards like Sindragosa to long-established cards like Ysera or Deathwing, Dragons have played an important role in Hearthstone for a long time, and that will continue.

When Hearthstone was only a few months old, Ysera was Control Priest’s winning condition. Two Adventures Black Rock Mountain and League of Explorers added more Dragons to the game, and players combined them in the Tempo Dragon Warrior deck (this deck was very strong in July-August 2016). Since Alexstrasza’s Champion and Blackwing Corruptor went Wild, players have also been using Dragon frames for Highlander Priest and Control Mage decks, leveraging their interaction as a win condition for control and midrange bets. or tempo. Last October, Brian Kibler used the Combo Dragon Priest deck to climb the legend, even though the meta at that time was not really beneficial for this deck.

Basically, the Dragons in Hearthstone are not only strong but also extremely versatile. While Patches the Pirate and his pirate crew made the meta very fast, many players have been experimenting with non-aggro decks since Kobolds & Catacombs came out. We have seen a very strong version of Control Warlock (also known as Cubelock), in addition the Priest decks (Highlander & Big) are still stable at high ranks. For months, these were the only two Priest decks that players thought of when mulligan. However, things are changing.

Dragon Priest – not a new deck – but a combination of Dragons, mana spells and Prince Keleseth. This deck style, recommended by Satellite, offers extraordinary game reversals when encountering aggro or tempo decks, and is also very versatile in high value matches, such as against Control Warlock. This deck uses Northshire Cleric, Kabal Talon Priest, and Duskbreaker to take the table early, as leverage to beat the opponent’s tempo on turns 4, 5, 6, with the arrival of Twilight Drake or Cobalt Scalebane.

Notable additions to Dragon Priest are the Spiteful Summoner and Grand Archivist, a pairing that can put tremendous pressure on any opponent. The idea to use them is to use only very few spells in the deck – namely Free From Amber and Mind Control – to maximize the value gained from the two minions mentioned above. With the huge value created from the aforementioned spells, the opponent has very little chance to respond effectively and the match can be arranged as early as turn 6.

- Emergenceingame

There are currently 2 versions of the most played Dragon Priest: a high value version with Netherspite Historian, 2 Mind Controls and 1 Free From Amber; a tempo-focused version with Prince Keleseth, 1 Mind Control and 2 Free From Amber. Of course, neither version is superior, players need to analyze the specific meta at their rank in order to play the respective deck.

On a small note, Mind Control can destroy the very popular Control Warlock deck right now. If you get a Voidlord on your opponent’s table, you can continue to ramp up the tempo, protect the remaining minions from the Doomguard, and reduce the value of the Death Knight Warlock. And if you get the Canivorous Cube, you not only get a 4/6, but also get 2 more minions that spawn when it dies. Deck Dragon Priest using Prince Keleseth can tech Kabal Songstealer to deal with Voidlord. However, if it is not possible to draw Duskbreaker early, this gameplay will face a lot of difficulties when facing Aggro Paladin or other punching decks.

Always keep Northshire Cleric, Prince Keleseth and Kabal Talon Priest when mulligan. If you predict the opponent is deck control, you can choose to keep the Spiteful Summoner. Always drop spells back into the deck to get the most out of the Spiteful Summoner and Grand Archivist value. Remember that when playing control, the tempo you create is often not enough to win, you need to choose exactly when to play value instead of tempo, and this choice will decide the whole game. When facing Tempo Rogue or similar decks, the side that has better control of the board throughout the match will win.

In case you still don’t know, the Dragons are very strong. Their persistence through different stages of the meta proves this. While Razakus Priest and Big Priest are still very much in the meta, Dragon Priest is also something that players must take into account when meeting the Priest class. His versatility against other strong decks in the meta makes Dragon Priest a pretty good pick, and playing a random card like Spiteful Summoner makes it quite enjoyable – in short, a deck worth playing. to rank up in the current meta.

Source: hearthpwn

Source link: mighty race that combines the great mana spells of Hearthstone
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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