5 reasons PS4 and Xbox need the same server and why they don’t exist yet

5 reasons PS4 and Xbox need the same server and why they don't exist yet

Recently Sony has received many requests from gamers that they want to play with other players on Xbox One. However, Sony rejected this idea despite great pressure from the public, this idea became popular after Epic Games’ game called Fortnite accidentally opened a common server for all PC, PS4, Xbox One. .

While fans tried to change Sony’s mind, they continued to discuss the issue with Microsoft, will this be enough for PS4 and Xbox One gamers to share the same server? And what benefit will this bring if it happens?

Why PS4 and Xbox One need the same server:

Gamers can play with their friends

From Destiny 2 to Battlefield 1 and from Friday the 13th: The Game to Overwatch, some of today’s big games offer the best experience when you’re playing with friends. But the fact that PS4 gamers can’t play with Xbox One gamers makes this a disaster.

This means you can’t participate in in-game activities like raid bosses in Destiny or move payloads in Overwtach. It’s not fair that gamers should lose all the fun just because my friend uses Xbox One and I use PS4.

Shared server increases the life of the game

For a Multiplay game, the most important thing is the number of players because it determines whether the game is dead or not. Even if gamers play titles on that console, non-players can still play the same multiplayer games as the same server as other consoles.

Better ranking system

The more players, the better the ranking system, if PS4 and Xbox One share the same server, gamers can play with people of the same level.

This means you will be less likely to encounter players with lower levels than you or those with higher levels than you, the level balance will be much clearer.

Matchmaking is faster

Similar to the ranking system, the higher the number of players, the faster the match will be. In games like Overwatch, especially the ranked mode, gamers spend a lot of time finding enemies of their level, and this situation becomes even worse the higher you rank.

Gamers spend more time on the game

If finding matches is faster, the ranking system is better and gamers can play with friends, which means that gamers will spend more time playing games instead of finding matches and connecting to servers.

This is good for game publishers and manufacturers as gamers spend more time and money on their games, which will replace premium DLC and in-game decorations. .

Reasons why this won’t happen:

5 lý do PS4 và Xbox cần chung một server và tại sao hiện giờ vẫn chưa có 1 - Emergenceingame

Cause console revenue to drop

Not being able to play with friends because they own a different console is a disappointment to me. But this disappointing thing helps console sales increase because some people will even buy the same consoles as their friends to play together.

Pressure can also affect gamers when they ask the question “Which console do my friends own the most?”, which can also be affected by the price of the game as well as the titles. which game is exclusive to that console.

Fewer reasons to buy games on more platforms

For those who own both Xbox One and PS4, the decision to buy multiplay games depends on which console their friends own. With PS4 and Xbox One sharing the same server, this will be even more troublesome.

Gamers will no longer be afraid of buying the wrong games on other consoles, which means there is no longer any reason why they have to own the game on both systems.

The longevity of the game helps other systems

As mentioned, the benefit of sharing a server will make the life of the multiplayer game longer. But if a multiplayer game dies on PS4 or Xbox One, it benefits another system.

Loyal fans of that game will do everything to make them play the game if it dies on their system. They are willing to buy another system if the game on that system is alive and well and it makes them happy.

The same server means more toxic and game-breaking gamers

The battle between PS4 and Xbox One fans is always a hot topic when everyone refuses to give in to anyone and thinks their favorite system is the best. With the same server, it will make this war more intense and many gamers toxic and destroy the game more.

Gamers can argue with each other on many topics such as which controller is better, which machine’s hardware is more powerful, and the level of gaming. This much is enough to see how dangerous it is to make every match in the game a quarrel instead of enjoying the game.

Any system that has a shared server will inadvertently help its competitors

During a press conference by Game Rant, it was said that PS4 and Xbox One should have a common server, culminating in Sony thinking of creating a common server for PC and Nintendo when they are not competitors with Sony.

Sony thinks that sharing this server will benefit Microsoft, making them a hero because they think for the future. Moreover, as more people own PS4, Xbox One will benefit when these cross-platform titles are already played on PS4. If the group of friends is split up because the majority own PS4, it will force some Xbox One owners to buy a Sony system to play together, but there is no other way.

At the moment it is not clear whether Sony will stick to the concept of not having a common server or if it will eventually give up on giving what fans want. But above all, there are benefits in every aspect, if the company decides to maintain its stance, maybe we will be compensated with features and incentives on PS4 and vice versa. We can play with gamers who own Xbox One.

Source: gamerant

Source link: 5 reasons PS4 and Xbox need the same server and why they don’t exist yet
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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