500 best games of all time (60-41)

500 best games of all time (60-41)

<< Part 22

There are video games that only bring short moments of entertainment. As time passed, their names gradually sank into oblivion. But there are still games whose value will remain forever, always known to the world as symbols and milestones in the development of this type of entertainment. Those will be the games that we will introduce in the article series: 500 best games of all time, and this is a continuation of the previous part.

60. GoldenEye 007

(1997, Nintendo 64)

goldeneye 007 - Emergenceingame

GoldenEye revolutionized first-person shooters by taking them off the internet and bringing them to consoles. Smooth gameplay – along with a great local multiplayer mode – has created a new home for shooters.

59. Super Mario Galaxy 2

(2010, Wii, other systems)


Super Mario Galaxy 2 hasn’t changed much from the original Galaxy; it just perfects everything that made its predecessor a success. The game continues the tradition of the series by always surpassing the expectations and limitations of the hardware.

58. NHL ’94

(1993, Genesis, Super Nintendo, others)

nhl 94 - Emergenceingame

NHL ’94 is a prime example of how games can reproduce the world of sports on TV screens. For hockey fans, it remains one of the representative sports simulation games – with the added bonus of including organ soundtracks from the teams.

57. Elite Beat Agents

(2006, Nintendo DS)

elite beat agents - Emergenceingame

In Elite Beat Agents, you must help those in need – with the power of dance. One of Nintendo’s quirky music games, Elite Bat Agents has its own charm, and its great soundtrack and addictive gameplay give it a personality all its own.

56. Civilization 5

(2010, PC, other systems)


Retaining what made players love the series, while opening up options for those who haven’t experienced it, Civilization 5 dominates the real-time strategy genre.

55. SimCity 2000

(1993, Mac, other systems)

simcity 2000 - Emergenceingame

SimCity 2000 lets players build better cities. It expands the city building genre by adding new buildings such as libraries, school walls, museums and even a prison.

54. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

(2015, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)

Scale in every way – from the world to the plot, bio, items, weapons and quests – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt sets itself apart from other open world games with its level of detail. to surprise.

53. Dance Dance Revolution

(1999, Arcade, other platforms)

dance dance revolution - Emergenceingame

Dance Dance Revolution is like exercise. Used in school, the gym, or anywhere you want players to look goofy, this series-like DDR’s gymnastics play continues to stand the test of time.

52. Half-Life

(1998, PC, other systems)

half life - Emergenceingame

Half-Life has a bleak plot where science goes wrong. Unlike a lot of games at the time of launch, Half-Life tells the story completely with everything in the game, with no cutscenes. This combined with the great world design, and the unspeakable protagonist Freeman, allows players to jump into the world of Half-Life, helping us to feel the story more deeply than other games. .

51. Football Manager

(1982, Video Genie, other platforms)

football manager 1982 - Emergenceingame

Focusing less on playing sport, Football Manager puts players in charge of a football club, allowing them to make the key decisions the team faces during a season. Football Manager adds depth to the game, allowing true football fans to experience what’s happening off the field at their favorite club.

50. Mass Effects 2

(2010, PC, Xbox 360, other systems)

Mass Effect 2 marks the culmination of this series. The game almost puts you on a suicide mission, it builds deep relationships between the characters by giving you the power to decide their lives. This makes in-game decisions very valuable.

49. Dota

(2003, Mac, PC)

dota - Emergenceingame

Dota spawned the MOBA genre, with games like Paragon, Heroes of the Storm, and Battleborn all benefiting from its success. While not as popular as its successor, Dota quickly became a multi-million dollar asset in the esports industry.

48. Shadow of the Colossus

(2005, PlayStation 2, other platforms)

shadow of the colossus - Emergenceingame

Shadow of the Colossus focuses on the journey rather than the destination. Players will have to spend a lot of time on horseback to find the 16 giant gods – and sometimes have to spend more time to defeat them. The game has a delicate scale and Shadow of the Colossus is a prime example of top art.

47. Quest of Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero

(1989, PC, other systems)

quest of glory - Emergenceingame

Striving for a level of realism rarely seen in games at the time, Quest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero combines the classic adventure system with a new approach – later known as a survival simulation game.

46. ​​Mother 3

(2006, Game Boy Advance)

mother 3 - Emergenceingame

The Mother 3 takes everything that made its predecessors special and throws them out the window. Emphasizing family pressure, Mother 3 took it more seriously than any other game of its time, making it one of the most beloved games of all time, even though it was never officially announced. Released in North America.

45. Super Mario Kart

(1992, Super Nintendo, other systems)

super mario kart - Emergenceingame

Super Mario Kart is a great racing game. But remember this is a racing game from Nintendo, so it will be very different. Combining the likes of the Nintendo franchise with competitive racing, Super Mario Kart is quickly becoming the most co-op game worth playing with friends.

44. Guitar Hero

(2005, PlayStation 2)

guitar hero - Emergenceingame

Anyone who wants to be a rock star has an audience in Guitar Hero. As one of the most popular music games, Guitar Hero ushered in the music game era. While the genre isn’t as hot as it once was, the first version of Guitar Hero is still a phenomenon.

43. The Sims

(2000, PC, other systems)

the sims - Emergenceingame

The Sims draws on decades of simulation game history to transform it into something everyone can understand: human life. The Sims isn’t as complicated or difficult as other simulation games, and The Sims’ accessible gameplay, diverse characters, and plenty of daily activities make it one of the most successful games of its kind.

42. Halo: Combat Evolved

(2001, Xbox, other platforms)

halo combat evolved - Emergenceingame

Halo created Xbox. Without it, it’s hard to think Xbox would have the success it is today. That success comes in part from the game’s scale, plot, and competition. The controls also work great on the Xbox controller.

41. Wii Sports

(2006, Wii)

wii sports - Emergenceingame

Wii Sports is a rare game that gets into the hands of people who normally never touch the game. Extremely easy to understand, easy to play sports minigames thanks to its friendly interface and controls, Wii Sports has made the industry rethink what games are supposed to be.

Source: Polygon

Part 24 >>

Source link: 500 best games of all time (60-41)
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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