Where and how to collect Geoculus upgrade stones in Genshin Impact

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Similar to the Anemoculus items in Genshin Impact, Geoculus is another type of Oculi used to level up the Statue of the Seven, making a permanent change or increase that will permanently increase your character’s elemental, give you experience, and provide currency. The following are all Geoculus locations in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact There are many things for players to discover, among them is the Geoculus material that you will use to improve the Statue of the Seven (7 converging elements). Whether on PS4, PC, iOS or Android, players need to collect all 131 Geoculus in Genshin Impact.

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Geoculus – Statue of the Seven upgrade material in Genshin Impact

During your journey in Liyue, you will discover a variety of items, chests or other collectibles without necessarily knowing what they are used for. You’re sure to come across Geoculus fairly early on in your adventure, a yellow material floating in the air.

What is Geoculus in Genshin Impact?

The Geoculus will be used to upgrade the Statue of the Seven in Liyue. To level up a statue, you will need a certain number of Geoculus. Depending on the level of the statue, the number will be higher or lower. Thanks to them, you will be able to increase your maximum endurance, get rewards, but also gain exploration experience.

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Geoculus location in Genshin Impact

To help quickly collect Geoculus in Genshin Impact, Taimienphi has highlighted them all in the photo below, here is a map showing various locations where you can find Geoculus, totaling 131 Geoculus in Genshin Impact.

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Tips for collecting Geoculus upgrade stones in Genshin Impact

For those who want to collect Geoculus in Genshin Impact so as not to be missed, we offer you some useful gameplay tips as follows:
– Since there are so many Geoculus, we recommend you to mark the map when collecting.
– You can go in and mark all locations, then delete them when found.
– Make sure to look out for the little star icons as they let you know you’re near the Geoculus in Genshin Impact, make sure to check above and below for this material.
– You can often find Geoculus floating in the air. They look more like Anemoculus with a yellow color.

Above are all Geoculus locations in Genshin Impact, quickly log into the game and take advantage of the time to go to these locations, own Geoculus as quickly as possible to make your character stronger. Code Genshin Impact is equally important.

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Related keywords:

Geoculus in Genshin Impact

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Source link: Where and how to collect Geoculus upgrade stones in Genshin Impact
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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