What would the human hand look like if it evolved just to play games?

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Hands are one of the parts that make humans different from the rest of the animals. We can do so many things with our hands, from building rockets to brain surgery to the simplest pleasures: playing games. Obviously, the hand is not born just to interact with the gamepad, although the designers have tried to make the model as suitable as possible, it still somewhat limits human ability to play. . So assuming only for gaming purposes, how will our hands evolve in thousands of years?


Website Slotswise collaborated with several console design experts to sketch out a perfect pair of hands for gaming. Accordingly, the thumb will be abnormally large to accurately control the dual thumbstick button while the index and middle fingers will be longer to be able to reach all the control buttons, power button, … The rest of the finger The ring and little finger will gradually disappear, just enough to wrap around the handle of the handle.

Simon Cornelius, executive director of console game promotion, said: “In the future, video games will be more complicated and the addition of new buttons on the gamepad is essential. That means we, specifically our thumb, index and middle fingers need to work more and have to stretch more. Therefore, I think our hands will need to evolve like that to handle faster.”


Of course, all of this is hypothetical because maybe in the future when technology develops to a new level, we will not need to use consoles to play games but completely switch to using mice and keyboards. ?

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Source link: What would the human hand look like if it evolved just to play games?
– Emergenceingames.com

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