What are the new changes in League of Legends 9.17 update?

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In the League of Legends update 9.17, champions with imba powers like Qiyana and Akali were severely punished by Riot. Along with that is the buffing of a series of old generals like Kayle, Galio and Aurelion Sol so that they can be selected more in the queue.

Let’s take a look at Riot Games’ changes to champions in the League of Legends 9.17 update, from which you can choose for yourself reasonable tactics in the current meta.

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League of Legends version 9.17

What’s new in League of Legends 9.17 update?

1. Aurelion Sol

In the League of Legends 9.17 update, Aurelion Sol was the first champion to be edited by Riot to overcome his weaknesses, allowing him to perform many tricks with his skill set. Q’s cooldown will be reduced at higher levels and movement speed will also be increased by 20% (10% more than the original). General Aurelion Sol’s key health point is that the passive damage is significantly increased.

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2. Kayle

Developer Riot Games has adjusted all 4 skills for general Kayle, making it easier for her to go and not feel like controlling a giant. Kayle’s Q now restores mana, projectile speed and effective range are all reduced but the duration is long. Skill E has bonus damage and damage ratio increases with level, the attack will make this skill more dangerous than ever.

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3. Qiyana

One of the few champions to have nerfed in the League of Legends update, Qiyana was nerfed for 2 main skills, E and R. E damage is no longer as strong as before from 70/105/140/ 175/210 => 50/85/120/155/190, and R cooldown pushed to a fixed 120 seconds at all ranks (most likely forgotten in the current meta).

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4. More new skins added

League of Legends update 9.17 brings a ton of new skins for champions like Ahri, Nocturne, Veigar, Galio, Shen, and Varus. Riot has launched 6 extremely beautiful skins priced at 299 RP in the Shop, players can buy as soon as the update officially launches on all servers.

5. Fixed some other bugs

– Fixed an issue where Soraka could not increase healing from R if he was below 40% health.
– Fixed an issue where some hover skills would be interrupted incorrectly in a bog state.
– Fixed Rek’Sai no longer receiving “Uncontrollable” status
– Purge now removes W .’s stun
– Fixed Lee Sin’s flight speed bug
– Sivir’s W now correctly bounces on reactivation if it has more than 45% cooldown.
– Fixed Statikk Electric Knife electrifying an external target

So, you and Taimienphi have just reviewed the things that are arguably the most important in the League of Legends 9.17 update. If you have any questions about the game, don’t hesitate and leave a comment in our comment section below.

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Source link: What are the new changes in League of Legends 9.17 update?
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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