WARNING ANGLE: Mixi team warns about people pretending to be Refund members to cheat fans

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Team Mixi is a name that is too familiar to the online community. He is famous for his ability to play good games and speak very close, with his own personality. Not only that, the name of the Mixi team is also associated with the name Refund Gamingthe team that he once led to compete in tournaments PUBG big small. Current members of Refund All of them have stopped playing and returned to work streamer.

Streaming House by Refund Gaming is a place that fans often go to take pictures and hope to meet one of the team members. With that in mind, an impostor took advantage of the opportunity to scam the fans who came Streaming House by Refund.


Fans take pictures in front of Refund’s Streaming House


Fans take pictures in front of Refund’s Streaming House

During the session live stream Recently, Team Mixi has warned all viewers, his fans as well as Refund’s fans about the trick. cheat this.

Team Mixi showed this impersonator’s photo and Facebook page stream to keep everyone alert. This scammer’s Facebook also records full information as a member of Refund Gaming, even leading to Nunu Soup’s Youtube link.


According to Team Mixi, this scammer pretended to be a Refund Gaming employee to cheat money and scammed quite a few people. This guy even sat in front of Refund’s Streaming House to wait for you to take pictures and perform fraud.

Patriarch also confirmed that there is no such employee working in Refund and reminded viewers that if you meet this scammer at the door of Streaming House, please call the Refund brothers to “face down at the battle”. “.

Through this incident as well as the warnings of Team Mixi, we hope that the fans will be vigilant so as not to be scammed by this fake person.

You can follow the story at 21:00

Source link: WARNING ANGLE: Mixi team warns about people pretending to be Refund members to cheat fans
– Emergenceingames.com

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