Want to increase Pokemon Go experience points quickly, refer to the following tips

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Increasing Pokemon Go experience for iPhone or Android by keeping Pidgey bird or Caterpie and Weedle worm is one of the very few tips when playing Pokemon Go game to get more experience points. Why is that so? Please follow the answer in this article of Taimienphi.vn

For many people starting to play Pokemon Go, often when catching Pidget birds or Caterpie and Weedle worms, because of the low combat stats, they often sell immediately or exchange for other players. This is a serious mistake if you want to increase your experience when playing Pokemon Go for iPhone or Android

How to increase experience points when playing Pokemon Go

experience pokemon go

Normally, when successfully evolving a Pokemon, you will get 500 experience points, compared to other Pokemon, the Pidget bird or Caterpie and Weedle worms only require 12 candies (Candy) to evolve, a fairly small number. . If you do not know, with the nearest Pokemon, Rattata, has lost up to 25 candies.

Pokemon Go

how to increase pokemon go experience

In addition to the above Pokemon, most other Pokémon need 50 or more candies to evolve, and when you want to evolve further, you will need twice the original candies, ie more than 100 candies to evolve those Pokemon one by one. Again.

loss of experience with pokemon go

Not to mention the case of Pokemon Magikarp that requires 400 candies to evolve.

increase experience when playing pokemon go game

As mentioned above, each evolution, Pokemon upgrade, you will get 500 experience points, so if you want to earn experience points quickly and the most, evolving, upgrading Pokemon is one of the most effective ways. You should save your Pokemon, especially the 3 bird Pokemon Pidgey or Caterpie and Weedle because when you get a Lucky Egg – the support item doubles the experience for 30 minutes.

experience pokemon go game

At this point, you already know why to win the Pidgey bird or the Caterpie and Weedle worm. When using Lucky Egg plus successfully evolving 4 to 5 Pokemon, you will get from 4000 – 5000 exp, an impressive number isn’t it.

Above is the experience to help you increase your experience points when playing Pokemon Go, please share this tip with your friends to become a master when playing Pokemon Go game. Besides, please refer to How to play Pokemon in detail From A to Z to reinforce your knowledge

Some of you when playing Pokemon Go get an error Failed to detect location and don’t know how to fix it, this error is because you have not turned on GPS, see how fix Failed to detect location to be able to play Pokemon Go.

In the process of catching Pokemon, if you feel lonely, immediately download the GoChat application, this is an application designed specifically for Pokemon Go players, GoChat allows players to chat, chat with each other when in a certain geographical distance. Wish you success and constantly improve your skills when playing Pokemon Go game.

Related keywords:

Pokemon Go experience increase

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Source link: Want to increase Pokemon Go experience points quickly, refer to the following tips
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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