Use Trend Micro Ransomeware File Decryptor to decrypt files encrypted by Ransomware

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Ransomware is a dangerous ransomware that encrypts your folders and files, preventing them from accessing and using your computer system. That’s why Trend Micro Ransomeware File Decryptor was born to help you completely remove Ransomware. Use Trend Micro Ransomeware File Decryptor according to the following instructions of to be able to completely remove Ransomware.

Trend Micro Ransomeware File Decryptor is developed by Trendmicro, a famous Japanese security software company, capable of decrypting many types of encryption from data encrypted files by Ransomeware. Using Trend Micro Ransomeware File Decryptor not only makes your computer more secure, but also protects the files in your computer better.

Trend Micro Ransomeware File Decryptor Installation Instructions

You can download Trend Micro Ransomeware File Decryptor here: Download Trend Micro Ransomeware File Decryptor.

Trend Micro Ransomeware File Decryptor is released as portable, meaning you don’t need to perform the installation process. You just need to run the downloaded file and select Agree to be able to use this software.

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Trend Micro Ransomeware File Decryptor User Manual

Step 1:In Select the ransomeware name you choose Select.

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Step 2: Select the type of Ransomeware that is encrypting your data and then press OKif not clear you choose I don’t know the ransomeware name.

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Then you enter Browse to specify the path to the encrypted file and then press nextthe software will automatically analyze and identify what kind of Ransomeware is encrypting your data.

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Step 3:Once you have identified the type of Ransomeware, you choose Select & Decrypt to decrypt your data.

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Step 4:In the encrypted file you want to decrypt then press OK.

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Step 5: When decryption is successful, press Done.

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So you have successfully decrypted your data. But you also need to note when using Trend Micro Ransomeware File Decryptor only supports decoding the types of Ransomeware named in step 2, so if you can’t decrypt it, you should refer to other file decoding tools like Base64 Encoder Decoder , one of the good file encryption and decryption software you can use. Base 64 Encoder Decoder software is also highly appreciated for its decoding capabilities. Hope the above article will help you protect your data in the safest way.

Author: Nguyen Hai Son
(4.026 evaluate)
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Source link: Use Trend Micro Ransomeware File Decryptor to decrypt files encrypted by Ransomware

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