Top strongest lineup in Truth Arena 9.16

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The League of Legends version of Truth Arena 9.16 brings a few changes, including the appearance of the extremely overpowered general Jinx, which makes the general squad meta of this version more or less changed, along with the top points. the strongest squad in the Arena of Truth 9.16.

Jinx has just been added in League of Legends version 9.16, although she has been slightly nerfed, she is still a great champion on the stage and can play solo without having to follow her system. As a result, the combination of Jinx with other systems becomes more diverse and still maximizes the strength of Jinx in particular and each squad in general.

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– Download game League of Legends 9.16 .

The squads in the list of the top strongest squads in the Teamfight Tactics 9.16 below are the squads that effectively promote strength at most stages in the match, and easily customize the squad when needed. set.

Top strongest lineup in Truth Arena 9.16

1. Noble + Jinx . lineup

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Standard squad: Garen, Fiora, Lucian, Vi, Jinx, Vayne, Leona, Kayle.

Set effects: Nobles, 2 Gunslingers, 2 Hextechs, 2 Knights.

– Characteristic: The nobility was slightly buffed in version 9.16, although the aristocracy system is still only strong in the early to mid game, but thanks to the appearance of Jinx. When you own the Jinx general, the aristocratic squad almost only plays the role of protecting Jinx to deal damage and with his passive, the nobles promote their role extremely effectively.

In addition, Jinx combined with Lucian and Vi both added to the squad formidable passives. You can consider a lot of options for the last 2 champions, such as Poppy, Sejuani to get more Knight’s passive. Darius is also not a bad choice if you are poor.

2. Void Lineup

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Standard squad: Kassadin, Rek’Sai, Kha’Zix, Warwick, Cho’Gath.

Effect set: Voids, 2 Brawlers.

– Characteristic: The squad is strong in all phases of a match, with the passive dealing true damage, the later the game the void formation deals more damage. Kha’Zix is ​​only a one-money champion, but plays an important role with the isolation passive. This is also a squad that allows you to build more economically when you do not need to level up to open more generals but still ensure victory. Just have enough 4 generals Rek’Sai, Kha’Zix, Kassadin and Warwick; you will have a champion that is both strong and can sustain damage until the middle of the game, when you start to spend money on the 2nd generals or formations.

3. Gunner + Pirate lineup

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Standard squad: Graves, Tristana, Lucian, Gangplank, Jinx, Miss Fortune, Pyke, Twisted.

Effects set: Gunslingers, 3 Pirates.

– Characteristic: This is a squad that takes advantage of fast money plowing with the intrinsic “golden chest of dignity” of the Pirates to help you have more money after each game to help you profit early. Despite having low stamina, you can completely endure for about the first half of the game, taking more comfort money from the losing streak to extract money in the later stage. At this point you can sell the pirates, focus on strong gunners and have many options in building the second squad.

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The above are the top strongest squads in the Teamfight Tactics 9.16 and the common feature is that these squads all have strong customization capabilities at each stage of the match to promote the highest efficiency without depending too much reliance on luck.
In addition to the above formations, there are other squads that are equally strong, but it is difficult to promote efficiency if they cannot get all the necessary generals, requiring players to calculate extremely carefully before using the wallet. such as Wild + Transfiguration. So strong or weak, win or lose depends on your level. see more How to play Truth Arena for more better playing experience.

Related keywords:

strong lineup of truth arena 9.16


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