TOP easy-to-play and easy-to-win weapons in Rules Of Survival

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Rules Of Survival is gradually becoming the dominant player in the mobile gaming industry with the number of players participating in the game, with a strong rule to lose, Rules Of Survival does not follow the rules of fighting as we often see in action games. Just shoot, kill, do whatever you can to destroy the enemy and survive until the end of the match, you will win.

To prepare for that, what will you do when you step into the game, of course, get weapons to destroy the enemy, but many new players joining the game will not know which weapons are suitable for beginners. So today has prepared for you details and tips on some of the weapons in the game for you to choose from.

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TOP best and easiest weapons to play in Rules Of Survival

To talk about weapons in the game, Guns are still the basic weapons and many gamers will think of first when setting foot on the map, there are so many diverse guns but not everyone knows how. Use any gun, though in any case, you will still have to find any gun or even a melee weapon in the first moments of the game to confront the remaining 119 players. . If you find the following types, you should not ignore them

1. Sub Machine Gun

For these submachine guns, the power is not high, but they have an advantage over other weapons in their reloading speed, fast rate of fire, and abundant ammunition so they are quite suitable for those Which player is new to the game, currently the submachine gun in Rules Of Survival has only 3 types that are the easiest to choose: PP19, MP7 and Thompson, with at least 25 bullets in the ice, you can use add gun accessories such as scopes, silencers, gun stock … to make weapons work better.

Rules Of Survival

PP19 has the advantage of the fastest firing speed, acceptable recoil but the downside is less ammo, only 25 bullets in the ammunition box, so this is a limitation that makes players consider when choosing.

Rules Of Survival

MP7 is superior with 30 rounds and a bit of power compared to PP19, but accuracy and speed are worse than PP19.

Rules Of Survival

In turn, Thompson, this submachine had the most ammunition compared to the MP7 and PP19 with 45 rounds and the advantage was superior power compared to the two types above, the downside was just a little recoil.

In general, this gun line has the advantage of compactness, high mobility and can be used in all cases, although the firing force is not too far, but if equipped with an additional scope. Scope X2, X4 Then you can easily take down enemies with this gun line.

2. Rifle vs Machine Gun

If Sub Machine Gun Is the right choice for close-range combat Rifle is the best weapon for mid-range battles in Rules Of Survival, with the advantage of superior damage and accuracy compared to submachine guns and pistols. This is definitely a weapon not to be missed.

The downside of these Assault Rifles is that they are harder to use than SMG submachine guns, and the search level is not as extensive as SMGs, to be able to find them, you need to make full use of your ability. and maybe a little more luck, guns like M4A1, AR-15, M14EBR, AK47 are the best choices of this series.


To start this rifle line, you can choose for yourself the AR-15, with decent power, ammo quantity and good stability, this will be the gun for those who want to challenge the gun line. school for the first time.


Next is the legendary AKM rifle line, a variant of AK47, with the advantage of being the highest power in the rifle line, high precision but unstable disadvantages, high recoil, this will be the gun. The second ideal if you are familiar with the rifle line behind the AR-15.


This light machine gun is the right choice for those who want to sweep a large number of enemies because it has the advantage of the most ammunition in the game, quite powerful, so many gamers will have difficulty. If it encountered a sweep of M249 at close range, but it also had the disadvantage of long and heavy reloading.

3. Shotgun (Shotgun)

This gun is powerful in that it does a lot of damage and this is its main advantage, although we all know its downside is that it does not cause damage if you stand far away, you have to find a way to continue. Carefully close enemies at close range so you can easily take down enemies.

The best shotgun you can use if this new shotgun is M870, it has qualifying elements like you can shoot 5 bullets in a row and the damage is high, don’t ask, the gun barrel equipment will help the gun reduce the dispersion of bullets, help bullets shoot far and much more accurate.


Remember this gun because of close shot and high damage so you should apply it in the case of close-range shooting, in tight places like indoors, you will surely win.

4. Sniper rifles (Sniper)

If you want to fight at long range then the best option is a sniper rifle, to avoid detection and want to destroy other players at long distances and ensure your safety, then sniper rifle is Best weapon for you now when joining Rules Of Survival. A sniper rifle is not easy to find, but it is not too difficult to own them on the map, the difficult point here is that you have to accurately calculate the projectile, find the appropriate distance and terrain then you can take down the enemy.


AWM is very familiar with modern shooters, high damage, not too heavy weight for you to easily hide or escape, but you should also limit your use when you are too far away from the enemy because of the damage. and the accuracy will be greatly reduced.


And if you own a Barrett, it’s fine, but its downside is that the map spawn rate is very low, a match usually only has a few spawns, its second minus is. The weight, Barrett is quite heavy, so you will not move fast when holding the gun, in return for the advantage of absolute damage, high accuracy and long range, so destroying the enemy is quite easy, if you use Scope X4. or the X8 is great.

With the above guns, you can easily conquer the Rules Of Survival battlefield in modes such as Solo, Duo, Squad more easily, there will be updates for Rules Of Survival soon. There will definitely be new weapons. will update you with the updated weapons.

Source link: TOP easy-to-play and easy-to-win weapons in Rules Of Survival

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