Top best Whois domain name lookup tool

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Among the domain name lookup tools, Whois is probably the most popular. It stores a lot of information related to individuals, groups, and businesses that register domain names. However, looking up domain names online on Whois will be quite time-consuming, so Whois lookup software will probably be a smarter solution. Readers, please refer to the suggestions of!

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The best Whois domain name lookup tools

1. WhoisCL

WhoisCL is a free online Whois domain name lookup tool. This command-line tool is lightweight, convenient, and a great alternative when you want to search for domain names online. It helps you to collect accurate data regarding admins and subscribers and lots of other tech related details.

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WhoisCL is an online tool so you will save a lot of your time as you won’t have to download or install anything. All you need to do is go to WhoisCL, enter the domain name and press the Enter key. It will show you all website related details such as information regarding registrar domain ID, registrar URL, name, email id, phone number, location related details ,….

– Download WhoisCL here.

2. WHOIS Tools

WHOIS Tools is a free compact Whois domain name lookup tool that helps you find complete details about a website. It is especially useful for those who want to find WHOIS and DNS related information for a specific domain name or IP address. You can also extract contact details of the domain owner.

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WHOIS Tools has an easy-to-see interface with minimal configuration options. Although there is no support manual, you can adjust the specialized specifications easily. This will help save your time.

All you need to do is add a domain name or IP address to the main dashboard and you will have the option to get WHOIS and DNS details. The software displays IP address, network name, owner and many other details like network name, address, postal code, etc. You can also transfer this information to clipboard.

– Download WHOIS Tools here.

3. WHOIS Utility

If you are looking for a lightweight and useful software that is free, then WHOIS Utility is what you are looking for. It helps you to detect IP address, domain name and registration related details of any website quickly. Moreover, it also helps you to identify the owner of the domain name. SOCKS 4, SOCKS 5 and HTTPS are proxies supported by WHOIS Utility.

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This tool is widely used for searching databases as a query and response protocol. It also features your machine’s command line interpreter and has an easy to use interface.

– Download WHOIS Utility here.

4. Win32Whois

Win32Whois is a great free Whois domain name lookup tool. It will show details like domain name, domain owner, registration information, IP address, etc. In addition, it also shows other details like domain name expiration date, address, IP block , contact information and DNS servers, etc.

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Some of the nice features of Win32Whois are resume download, support for transcoding, HTTP and FTP verification, option to enter username/password, option to download when there is no file size,…

– Download Win32Whois here.

5. Bulk Whois Finder

Bulk Whois Finder shows you registration details, expiration date, recent update time, company name and many details related to domain name. It has an MS Office ribbon interface so that users can access all the features easily.

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The main window of the software is separated into a ribbon, the list of categories and the main view of the acquired data. At the end of the domain scan, Bulk Whois Finder displays the details in a tabular format. You can even export the obtained data to different formats and use it with other programs. You can save reports in major formats like TXT, DOC, PDF, etc.

– Download Bulk Whois Finder here.

6. Pzwenger WhoIs

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This freeware connects to the Whois server to collect all the necessary details regarding the domain name. It has a user-friendly interface and has quite a few tools. You don’t need complicated settings, just enter the domain name or IP address in the search field and the website will display results with details such as: domain name, server information, registration data, location location, address, company or subscriber id, subscriber contact details, ….You can copy these into a text editor.
– Download Pzwenger WhoIs here.

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Source link: Top best Whois domain name lookup tool

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