Facebook Livestream error on iPhone, iPad has no sound, no sound

62770 - Emergenceingame
Facebook Livestream error with no sound, no sound has been reported on iPhone and iPad devices, after users updated iOS 14.2 version. To learn how to fix the error, readers should refer to the following article of Taimienphi.vn.

There are many causes Facebook Livestream error on iPhone, iPad has no sound, no sound … in which the main cause may be due to the user improperly plugging the iPhone micro jack or ignoring, do not allow Facebook to access the microphone.

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Tips to fix Facebook Livestream errors on iPhone

How to fix Facebook Livestream error on iPhone, iPad with no sound, no sound

Method 1: Check and reconnect the Mic

In case, if you have not plugged the mic into the correct microphone jack on the iPhone, it can also be the cause of the Facebook Livestream error on iPhone, iPad with no sound. So before performing more complicated Facebook troubleshooting steps, try to check that you have properly plugged in the microphone to your iPhone.

If everything is connected properly but still no sound when livestreaming Facebook, refer to the next few ways to fix the error below.

Method 2: Allow Facebook to access micro

According to some users, if you have not allowed Facebook to access the microphone, it may also be the reason why Facebook Livestream on iPhone and iPad has no sound or sound.

Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open the app Settings (Setting).

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Step 2: Scroll down to find and tap Privacy (privacy) =>Microphone.

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Step 3: Finally find and activate the slider located next to it Facebook done.

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In case if Facebook is not listed in the list, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open the app Settings (Setting).

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Step 2: Scroll down to find and tap Facebook.

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Step 3: Activate the slider Microphone.

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Method 3: How to fix other Facebook Livestream errors

Another way to fix the error, Facebook Livestream status on iPhone, iPad has no sound, no sound is to reconnect the mic to the device. To do this thing:

Step 1: First close all the apps that you have open on your iPhone, iPad by pressing Home button 2 times then swipe the app card from bottom to top to close.
Step 2: Next find and open the Facebook app that you installed on your iPhone.
Step 3: Find and tap Livestream button to begin.
Step 4: Now you can connect an external mic to your iPhone to perform livestream without any more errors or problems.

If using the above methods does not work, you can delete and download Facebook again by following the link below.

=> Download link Facebook for Android
=> Download link Facebook for iPhone

Above Taimienphi.vn has just shown you some ways to fix Facebook Livestream errors on iPhone, iPad with no sound, no sound. Are you facing this error? Don’t forget to share your opinion for Taimienphi.vn.

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Source link: Facebook Livestream error on iPhone, iPad has no sound, no sound
– Emergenceingames.com

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