Top 5 wildest solo Wild Rift generals

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Just like League of Legends, in League of Legends, there are also very strong junglers. So which Wild Rift Generals have the strongest and most powerful solo jungle ability? Readers should refer to the following article of to learn more details.

In addition to Shyvana, Lee Sin and Master Yi are 3 of the best and strongest solo Wild Rift League champions, with the ability to gank, the ability to deal high damage, …

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The best Wild Rift jungle solo champion

Top 5 wildest solo Wild Rift generals

5. Shyvana

Shyvana is one of the most “brilliant” junglers in the Wild Rift League, equipped with a “unique” ability. Upon reaching level 5, Shyvana can transform into a dragon and use Dragon’s Descent (Ultimate), enhancing her active skills.

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Thanks to Dragon’s Descent, Shyvana can deal “huge” damage as well as increase the strength of the dragon’s breath.

4. Master Yi

Master Yi is also another strong jungler in Wild Rift. Only with the combo of Highlander (Ultimate) combined with basic attacks is enough for Yi to defeat his opponent.

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In addition, Yi can use 1 Alpha Strike to fight or dodge attacks and 2 Meditate to reduce damage taken and heal.

If you don’t know how to buy champions in Wild Rift, you can refer to the instructions here and follow the instructions.

See also: How to buy Wild Rift League generals

3. Graves

Graves is considered a “jungle gunner” in Wild Rift, fully equipped with the ability to gank as well as destroy jungle monsters.

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In which, Graves’ 2 Smoke Screen can limit the opponent’s vision. Skill 1 End of the Line can deal huge amount of damage.

2. Xin Zhao

In addition to Graves, Xin Zhao is also a champion with good ganking ability and high damage. Xin Zhao’s moves, including 3 Audacious Charge, allow instant combat and slow opponents. Skill 1 Three Talon Strike knocks up target after 3rd attack.

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1. Lee Sin

Unlike the junglers above, Lee Sin is a champion with a rather complicated way of combining skills. Sin’s advantage is the ability to move quickly, the ability to deal damage and poke as well as the ability to confuse the opponent.

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Link to download the latest Wild Rift League is updated here:

=> Link to download Wild Rift Alliance for Android
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=> Link to download Wild Rift Alliance for iOS
download now ios - Emergenceingame

Above, has just reviewed for you the top 5 most powerful jungle solo League generals. Gives you a better choice to suppress enemy junglers.
In addition, readers can refer to some existing articles on to learn more about how to play Wild Rift League on Android most effectively.

See also: How to play Wild Rift League on Android

Related keywords:

The most famous solo song ever

the strongest jungler, Wild Rift League jungler,

Source link: Top 5 wildest solo Wild Rift generals

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