Top 3 Tips for Entry Fragger in the team

Top 3 Tips for Entry Fragger in the team

Inexperienced players often misunderstand the role of an Entry Fragger, thinking that his job is to have an opening kill in the round or launch first instead of creating space for his team. When the entry fragger continuously has lives for its team, it is easier for the whole team to win the match when the entry fragger has both frags and control of the game. However, this depends on the entry fragger firing perfectly perfectly, which is very difficult to do continuously. With these 3 tips, you can become an impactful entry fragger, even if your aim isn’t very good.

1. Discuss how you will get support from the team

The first, and one of the most important things when discussing a new strategy with the team is how your teammates will flash you, as discussed by Ryan “fREAKAZOiD” Abadir below. You should only go out of the chokepoints (narrow positions that force members to take turns, like Dust 2 B Tunnel or Inferno B Banana) and fire when the flash has just exploded, leaving the flash to explode behind you. As fREAKAZOiD discusses, this means you need to know when the flash was thrown, and where it was thrown and where it was headed. You also need to know where your teammates will smoke and where the molotov will be, this will greatly affect the direction you will move.

Finally, I myself need to use the utility (smoke/flash/etc) at a point in the early round, when the chance of you dying is very high while hitting a position and if you have it all. even utilities, if you don’t use it and die, you’ve already thrown money out the window. Therefore, your utilities should be used in default (basic typing) to control the map. For example, in the basic gameplay of Cache map, you should use your utility to smoke B Main, Molotov to checker and Flash CT so that CT can’t look at B Main.

Video tutorial for Entry Frag and tricks in Freakazoid’s Cache map

2. Perfect crosshair placement

When doing entry fragger, we can hardly carefully check all the corners. Instead, your aim is to stay as far away from the chokepoint area as possible and pre-aim (aim in advance) at popular locations that Counter-Terrorist is prone to. In the first half of the round, you should be in front of the positions at close range and every time you die, try to determine where the CT’s are. By the end of the first half, you have to learn the positions CT likes to align and then align your pre-aim angles as you push off. A good way to practice is to play pre-fire maps, they are available in the Workshop or if you have a boomeo paid service you can use their pre-fire mod.

Instead of trying to get the fastest time possible in competitive mode, go slowly through the positions that are most relevant to the team’s attack and practice that journey while clearing the positions you need to test. , ignoring bot locations that would normally be covered by smoke or thrown by Molotov. In the end, your task is not long-range gunfights, but to create space for the second entry fraggers in the team and help them exchange lives for you. Therefore, keep moving and aim even if this puts you at a disadvantage in the gunfight.

3. Follow the most favorable journey

When the entry frag enters the site, you should not rush straight into the site at will. Instead, you should use a planned itinerary and discuss it with your team. The purpose is to draw CT’s attention to you and avoid his teammates, while closing the gap between the team and the opponent. Another is to see how to use the bombsite design to limit the places CT can see you. For example, when entering Bombsite B in Overpass from the Monster side (B Long), if you stand to the left of the large column in the bomb, this column will shield you from being seen from Heaven.

When practicing maps with the team, you should aim to create a distinct journey for each strategy or site attack the team uses and try to memorize it, to the point of being able to automatically move in response. radiation. If you are not sure which direction to go in a certain strategy, it is best to watch demos from Pro entry fraggers and see which direction they go. Finally, discuss how you move with your teammates, especially with AWPer and the second entry fragger, so they know where to watch, so they can cover you.

And finally, the article recommends you to check out VooCSGO’s (English) video tutorial, he has a lot of videos on how to play as a team, but the entry fragging video tutorial is extremely good (although he uses map Old Inferno)


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